Meditativ mpathy (soft spoken voice, effects, ambient, male voice)

Empathy. Empathy is a powerful life-changer which comes from the heart and expresses our compassion. It is a primal force of unification. Empathy transforms us into better, kinder versions of ourselves. As humans, we should strive to develop our empathy towards one another. But we can only have empathy if we truly love ourselves, with our weaknesses and our strengths. Through empathy, we recognize something of ourselves in others and we feel their pain and suffering, their joy and happiness. We transcend our individuality and our selfishness to build bridges between us. Through empathy, not only do we accept differences, but we embrace them. In a perfect empathic world, we would care for others and love them unconditionally and so would they. In such a world, sharing and cooperation becomes the main keys to progress. Progress to better ourselves, not to crush competition. The world in its current state is imperfect but we can still make it better. Following the “empathy path” on a daily basis allows us to change our little corner of the world one step at a time and impact it in more ways than we realize. My dream is that we all together experience the emergence of a true and profound empathy. That would really change the whole world for the better.