Sahaj Yoga ~ Spontaneous Meditation
Sahaj Yoga has been described extensively in various scriptures and erudite scholars have also spoken on this topic. But what I have experienced with the grace of Sadguru Dattatreya and learned from Siddhas like Matsyendranathji and Gorakshanathji is something different. Sahaj yoga is uppermost among all types of yogas. Sahaj yoga is spontaneous. Whatever is written or spoken about Sahaj yoga is introductory because It is attainable only through grace and is attained spontaneously. The activities of all other yogas - Hatha yoga, Raja yoga, Kriya yoga, are included in Sahaj yoga. Scriptures place Sahaj Yoga at the top. but It can not be accomplished by just reading the books. It is interlocked with the Siddha tradition, and is very easy to attain after receiving the grace of accomplished people of this tradition. By attaining Sahaj Yoga the devotee will keep continuing the Hatha yoga activities. A similar thing happens with the aspirants of other yogic traditions. The Guru comes to know the stage at which the aspirant has already attained and the remaining part of the tradition is completed easily. The aspirant of Sahaj yoga does not have to carry out any Mudra, Asana, Pranayama etc. but all these activities take place freely by themselves. It is spontaneous. Aspirants also get inspired to carry out particular Mudra, Asana or Pranayama; they feel as if they are being internally pressed to carry out these activities. Some aspirants experience peace in meditation. Sahaj yoga is a yogic system interlocked with the Siddha tradition and is, initially, attained only through grace of Guru. Is Sahaj dhyana a part of it? Yoga literally means addition or unison. Ashtanga yoga includes Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dhyana, Dharana and Samadhi. To make progress in meditation, aspirants have to follow yama and niyama and carry out some other ritualistic activities. But if the aspirant is fortunate and meets an accomplished person to sit in Sahaj dhyana, these activities get carried out spontaneously. The accomplished person should be capable of carrying out Shaktipata, and be able to impart the grace required for meditation. All types of yogic activities get performed spontaneously in Sahaj dhyana. Some aspirants cry during Sahaj dhyana, meaning there is some suppressed suffering within, that has not been dealt with earlier and the thoughts of which cause mental disturbances and generate carbon dioxide, pollution and depression in the brain and also mental stress; all such afflictions get alleviated thru crying and the aspirant starts laughing. There are some other methods where one begins crying or laughing spontaneously. But during Sahaj yoga these happen by themselves. crying or laughing spontaneously. But during Sahaj yoga these happen by themselves. Sahaj dhyana is even higher than that of Nirvikalpa or Savikalpa dhyana.1 Sahaj dhyana may result in Nirvikalpa samadhi which may continue for thousands of years.1 Savikalpa samadhi can be enjoyed for a maximum period of 21 days.1 Savikalpa Samadhi is done in a pit of particular size.1 The quantity of oxygen in the pit should be sufficient for 24 days.1 One then sits in that pit and enters samadhi, then the pit is closed.1 When the pit is opened after 21 days and one comes out in good health and happiness,1 After 21 days, I will be fine but if it is opened after 25 days I will be dead.1 Nirvikalpa samadhi is conscious samadhi and the attainment of which the aspirant has to be1 very highly advanced in sadhana. He must have gone beyond all the energy centers in the body1 in the body - Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipur, Anahata, Vishuddhi, Agya, Chandrabindu,1 Trikuti, Hiranyagarbha, Mahamaya and got settled in the Sahasrara chakra.1 They come out of samadhi (deep meditative state) when they opt for it, but only in the form1 of their inner self. Their physical body remains lying where it was but they keep touching it1 with their inner self so that no other subtle body enters it.1 In this way their physical body remains safe without being affected by decay1 or any other external sources such heat, cold or snow. When one wants come out of this deep1 meditative state at will, the external atmosphere changes to make this possible.1 The only trouble has been found with these devotees is that they do experience1 the effects of dualism, happiness, affliction, loss and gai :22Even after enjoying such a state of samadhi for such a long period.1 But Sahaj dhyana is a type of meditation wherein the grace of Sadguru Dattatreya1 removes the effects of agony, calamity, and misery. One feels free from bondage of a worldly life.1 In hot weather, one tries to avoid heat by using AC, In cold weather, one uses heating applience.1 One can not rid of hot or cold surroundings but one can take steps to avoid discomfort.1 similarly, devotee has to take steps to avoid mundane or disturbing thoughts.1 Sahaj dhyana is a type of meditation1 which keeps the devotee aware of the knowledge of the Self in a continuous and unbroken manner.1 The propensity "I am" that remains continuous can be likened1 to an extremely powerful flame of the lamp of knowledge.1 Writing, speaking, listening and considering a state is easy,1 but attaining the same is difficult.1 Attainment of the state is possible only by continuous contemplation, determination and grace of Sadguru.1 It means the continuous contemplation that "I am the soul" which resides in this physical body1 is comprised of five elements; sound, touch, sight, touch and smell1 or mind, intellect, chitta, ego and sense organs1 I am not "doing" but just witnessing all the actions carried out by the sense organs.1 The thought that "I am a doer" does not exist. Everything is happening spontaneously1 and I am just witnessing it. It does not feel as if one is 'doing it.1 This will lead to the feeling of non-activity and activity meaning that1 one will keep witnessing all the activities in a nonattached manner and remain established1 in the thought of 'Self Knowledge'. Such a state is the state of liberation.1 While enjoying such a state, none of the kriyamana activities of such a person1 will become sanchita (karma). One will keep enjoying the destiny of the present life1 comfortably and in an easy manner. Sahaj dhyana is therefore, the better part of Sahaj yoga.1 Wherever the mind goes, it remains in trance.1 Sahaj dhyana leads to sahaj samadhi which is very difficult to attain.1 One in a million who receives the grace of Sadguru1 attains the stage of sahaj samadhi. sahaj dhyana is ideal, refreshing, spontaneous,1 obstacle free, and free of confusion. Sahaj dhyana is a very good type of meditation.1 Sahaj yoga and sahaj dhyana are two parts of the same.1 Does this mean that the state of sahaj dhyana is much higher than that of ordinary meditation?1 Yes, the state of sahaj dhyana is much higher than that of ordinary meditation.1 The methodology used by any Siddha or accomplished person for making people sit in sahaj dhyana varies1 Devotees may sit with eyes closed or open, it does not matter.1 If one sits in meditation with open eyes one should do so till one's sight remains stead :06Eyes should be closed if sight becomes unsteady or tears start. Steadiness of sight denotes the steadiness of mind.1 In order to keep mind and thoughts steady, some people also practise 'Tratak' (gaze).1 Therefore, the eyes should be kept open until one's sight is steady. After that, eyes should be closed,1 Close your eyes and concentrate your sight on your breathing and on your thoughts.1 Poojyashri! Please tell us. How does meditation change the daily life routine?1 I would say that the principle of good living in the world is 'Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam',1 that is, yoga provides proficiency in action. Proficiency in action is life.1 Whosoever wants to live nicely should practice meditation. A non-meditator gets disturbed1 and agitated in the circumstances of affliction, dualism, agitation, obstacles and confusion.1 A good meditator is protected by meditation like a curtain. Similar to an umbrella or raincoat protecting a person from rain.1 Sahaj dhyana protects the meditator from dualism, afflictions, etc. It keeps the mind away from such thoughts.1 Just as a chemical cleans and filters water, sahaj dhyana enters inside the meditator and removes all sorts of pollution, and1 provides sufficient physical and mental strength to solve all the problems and fight all the miseries.1 It provides one with inner strength and keeps one healthy. Many type of problems and diseases1 which cause mental tension, unsteadiness of mind etc. get cured by meditation.1 Depression and tension are caused when the problems in hand do not get solved.1 Depression and tension are caused when the problems in hand do not get solved.2 Meditation reduces high blood pressure, mental tension and depression.2 You may know that excessive thinking and pondering causes an increase in blood sugar.2 The effect of sahaj dhyana is so subtle that it purifies the blood of all those thoughts2 which have caused the increase in blood sugar and other ailments.2 A regular practitioner of sahaj dhyana remains free of high blood pressure, high blood sugar and free of mental tension and thus remains healthy.2 I would go as far to say that if professionals carry out their business after meditation they will feel more comfortable.2 The physical and mental fitness of students attending meditation camps arranged in the Ashram has been found to be commendable;2 their memory has become sharper. Practising sahaj dhyana by students is extremely good for them2 Thoughts of sahaj dhyana yogis are purified, notably increasing their spiritual knowledge.2 They are able to perceive who they are; why have they come; why they have this body2 or what is to be done by them in this world? Youths get the feeling that 'Mother is God',2 'Father is God' and 'Teacher is God'. Their conduct becomes virtuous, polite and judicious. 2 Practicing Sahaja dhyana in the student life is very good. Teachers are also advised to practice meditation as it increases their internal energy.2 How they should teach their students friendly behavio ow should they help in their development.2 An exchange of knowledge helps in the development of both teachers and students.2 Those who desire the path of spiritualism, advance spontaneously.2 They have the guidance that without any hard work, they may keep advancing forward. Those involved in mundane affairs may also benefit.2 If before sitting in meditation, the meditator prays for the fulfillment of2 one or more desires, one achieves success. Sahaj dhyana helps in the development of2 power of determination and internal energy. Sahaja dhyana helps in achieving success and tunes your thoughts in attaining your aim.2 It purifies all the four states of the min hysical, subtle, adhi and ati2 It elevates the devotee to the state where one enjoys bliss and peace all the time.2 Sahaj dhyana, carried out under the guidance of an accomplished person, helps you to achieve mental peace.2 Sadguru Dattatreya and all the siddhas have given this mantra 'Hari Om Tatsat Jai Guru Datta' for achieving this aim.2 He who repeats this mantra 'Hari Om Tatsat Jai Guru Datta' continuously for 10-15 minutes2 and then sits in meditation, gets mental peace immediately.2 Also with this technique you do not have to change your Guru, religion or sect.2 Whatever the religion you follow Jainism, Swaminarayanism, Vaishnavism,2 Shaivism, Christianity, Islam, or any other. It does not create any problem.2 Sahaj dhyana takes you to the knowledge of the Self. This knowledge is not bound by any religion or sect.2 It is benedictory to all human beings. It is service to humanity.2 Peace is not an item of proprietary. It is only one and belongs to everybody.2 Once you have attained mental peace, you have got everything.2 That divine omnipresent conscious energy covering the whole cosmos is similar2 to the sun illuminating the whole world, or the moon providing coolness.2 Air furnishes oxygen to the whole world. Rain falls on the whole world.2 No religion or sect has proprietary rights on these elements.2 Similarly this omnipresent conscious energy, Guru Tattwa, is not restricted by any religion or sect.2 It is benedictory to every creature of this world. Since human is inteligent, it provides knowledge2 it provides right direction towards the achievement of this aim.2 Therefore irrespective of the country or plac ndia, London, America, Germany,2 if you sit in meditation after repeating this mantra you will be led to the stage of meditation,2 you will have mental peace and realise your Guru and God. I am helping devotees in India to be2 elevated to this dhyana state and I guide those who are going there from other countries.2 Chandrakant Shukla in London is advanced in this field and also teaches yogasana.2 Yogasana should only be practised by young and healthy people.2 Old or sick people or those with painful joints should not practice yogasana.2 How to make them have realization of God? This sahaj dhyana is a passage that young and old,2 literate and lliterate, officer or minister, noble or shepherd; all will be elevated2 to the state of meditation after the repetition of this mantra and will have the realization of God.2 The person may not understand or realize this, but whoever you guide to sit in meditation2 will enjoy meditation and mental peace; making them understand is your job.2 I have chosen and blessed Chandrakant Shukla in London for this purpose. He is a worthy person and dear to me. Sadguru has also showered grace on him.2 I have asked him to guide people for meditation at all the places he may be visiting.2 This mantra is so powerful that if television stations relay this mantra and explain its methods2 all people chanting and meditating, which may be in the millions, will be elevated to the meditative stage2 and will enjoy mental peace. You may test this yourself. It has been tested by many people2 of different religions at their homes and it has been found to be true.2 'Mrikha Na Hoi Deva Rishi Bani' Words spoken by Gods and Rishis are not false.2 The speech of Rishi-Maharishis is full of power, energy and blessings.2 It is analogous to the legal powers in a country's penal code and enforcement of such laws.2 This can be likened to the legal power vested in the various sections of the penal code entrusted by the constitution of the country.2 This mantra is full of such power that every human of this world who will repeat this mantra and sit2 in meditation, will be led to the stage of meditation and will enjoy peace and happiness.2 This sahaj dhyana mitigates all difficulties .This is so powerful that it may lead you even up to2 the stage of achievement of your life's goal. It is not necessary for the person sitting in meditation to be educate .A., M.A. or Ph.D.2 Mohi Kapata Chhal Chhidra Na Bhava, Nirmala Mana Jana Soi Mohi Pava.2 It has been mentioned by Ramcharita Manasa that God only asks for purity of mind,2 simplicity and honesty in nature. Shabari was not educated, Jalaram Bappa was not a Ph.D.;2 Kabirdas was not a degree holder but students in modern days are writing Ph.D theses on their lives.3 Whoever is able to receive the grace of God becomes adorable, venerable and respectable.3 Therefore sahaj dhyana is very good and of a very high stage.3 Please tell us whether the chanting of this mantra should be carried out while sitting alone or in group?3 You will experience meditation whether you are sitting alone or in group3 In group meditation the generation of electrical energy is more and so the vibrations are more.3 Consequently, everybody will experience the stage of meditation whether they are chanting the mantra or not.3 Even if someone is just listening they will get into the stage of meditation.3 You may try and test it. It is correct that you will experience the stage of meditation3 even if you just listen but why should you not participate? Why should you not speak God's name?3 Speaking God's name produces sanctity and repeating the mantra loudly leads to good meditation.3 The more participants in the group, more electricity generated, which helps more people3 to reach the stage of meditation. I am telling you that after experimenting and practice3 somebody sitting in his home and just listening to a dhun will get to the stage of meditation.3 Is it necessary that the time and place for meditation be fixed? Or one can sit anywhere and at any time?3 Scriptures say, and you might also know, that meditation and yogasana should be done on an empty stomach.3 These activities give better results if carried out in the morning. It is very scientific.3 Mornings in all the seasons and particularly in the rainy season are generally misty so much so that light is to be kept on while driving a vehicle.3 Similarly blessings of saints full of pure spiritual energy keeps the earth covered to a height of 20-25 feet in the morning3 This 20-25 feet high atmospheric layer in the mornings is full of blessings of Siddhas and saints.3 and gets scattered with the rising of the sun. Trees also give pure oxygen in the morning;3 There are hardly any trees which give oxygen for a full twenty four hours (peepal is one of them).3 It is said that one should not sleep in the night underneath any tree except the peepal tree.3 Meditation in the morning is very good. Since you are fresh at that time, the meditation is enjoyable.3 But if you do not get time for some reason you may sit for meditation after two hours of taking meals.3 Our sahaj dhyana is such that even after just taking meals you may carry out dhun3 and sit in meditation and you will experience dhyana. You may not know whether what you have3 is the result of the meal or meditation. Hence it is better to sit in meditation before meals.3 Does it mean that dhun is essential before sitting in meditation?3 One must follow the instructions given by Siddhas, Saints and accomplished people.3 Just like sleeping, eating and drinking water, meditation is essential. You sleep for 5 to 6 hours3 and your body is relaxed; mental health is relieved by meditation.3 It has been observed that meditation keeps you organized and happy throughout the day.3 What I am saying is that meditation is helpful in relieving3 mental tension, irritation, confusion, anger and even mental illness.3 Meditation is so subtle that it enters your mind and eliminates all the subtle thoughts3 causing disturbances in the mind. It is there like an armour safeguarding you.3 Poojyashri! You recited 'Om' before carrying out dhun; please tell us the effects of pronouncing Om in the body?3 Siddhas have given 'Hari Om' in this mantra 'Hari Om Tatsat Jai Guru Datta'...3 Quite a few of the Vedic mantras begin with 'Hari Om'. For example, Purusha Sukta starts with.....Om3 Vedic mantras begin with 'Hari ..Om3 'Om' is the symbol of the cosmos. 'Om' cannot be sufficiently described.3 In fact,chanting of the syllable 'Om' is so effective that it is not recommend as japa.3 Some knowledgable people have objected to this statement3 but they don't understand the deep meaning of 'Om'. Japa of the syllable 'Om' leads to the thought3 'Brahma Satyam Jaganmithya' that is, the whole universe is delusory, only Brahma is true. All else is delusory3 Chanting of the mantra 'Om' for a long time will result in the feeling of uselessness of worldly affairs3 That is, building a house to live in, bringing up children, earning money through business, etc.3 Gradually the feeling for taking up sanyasa and living in the forest emerges.3 For these reasons the japa of mantra 'Om' is only recommended to sanyasins.3 Chanting of mantra 'Om' is very good, very powerful and very effective. Quite a few of the mantras begin3 with 'Om' and some of them end with 'Om'. Sometimes 'Om' may appear in between other syllables.3 'Om' symbolises Brahma and His energy, and it makes other mantras more effective.3 'Om' is an essential syllable of a mantra but its repetition is recommended only to sanyasins.3 Poojyashri, thoughts keep sprouting up during meditation. How can these thoughts be supressed?3 All scriptures discuss this question and sages throughout the ages have tried to answer it.3 Let me reply according to my experiences as it is different to what is given in scriptures.3 People through the ages have asked this question of various Rishis-Maharishis and their replies3 are given in a number of scriptures.They have also shown the way to overcome this problem.3 You are bound to have thoughts during meditation and these will disturb you.3 If you sit in meditation and chant the mantra 'Hari Om Tatsat Jai Guru Datta', thoughts will lessen gradually.3 'Rite Gyananna Muktih' that is, true knowledge, symbolises liberation from bondage and peace and happiness.3 Wherever there is ignorance, there is affliction and disturbance.3 'Hari Om Tatsat' enlightens true knowledge, removes ignorance and consequently removes all thoughts.3 When you sit in meditation after chanting 'Hari Om Tatsat Jai Guru Datta' you may feel some3 movement under your navel, sometimes warmth and at times coolness.3 Sometimes you may feel movement in the spinal cord. These take place spontaneously3 without any effort. You may feel an ant like sensation or sometimes even an itching sensation near3 the Agya Chakra, between the eyebrows. Sometimes you may see an eye and its disappearance .4 You may see, a snake which symbolises Kundalini energy or different colours which symbolize the level of Sadhana.4 You may at times have visions of your Guru or your God. At other times you may not perceive anything4 but enjoy perfect peace. This sahaj dhyana is so very subtle and effective, it enters the mind4 and analyses the elements and thoughts. It will remove worthless thoughts,4 satiate your noble thoughts and desires, and then take you in the proper direction4 of achieving perfect peace. It will filter and purify your thoughts, fulfill your desires4 and then guide you to achieve your life's goal. Sahaj dhyana is so helpful that you should study it.4 You can read Ashram publications - sahaj Dhyana Yoga and Patha Pradipika. You may also4 correspond with me if you have a question. You may also ask the question during meditation4 and based on the principle 'Gurostu Maunam Vyakhyanam Shishyastu Chhinna Sanshayah'4 (silent speech of the Guru removes the doubts of the disciple) you will get a satisfying reply.4 During sahaj dhyana some other activities may also occur; forward or backward movement of the body,4 jumping, dancing etc. but do not be worried since these activities are not being done by you,4 but are happening spontaneously. Sometimes there may be spontaneous Bhasrika Pranayama.4 This spontaneous inhilation is due to respiratory pressure which gets relieved by fast respiration.4 Do not confuse this with blood pressure and do not worry. If there are functional activities4 like Kapal Bhasrika (heavy breathing), spontaneous crying or laughing during meditation by some women.4 Some ignorant people start worshipping these women, thinking they are under spell of Mother Kali4 and then these ladies also start behaving like occultists. Take care that this does not happen.4 In sahaj yoga energy gets awakened and rises up the spinal cord. Phenomenon of sahaj yoga takes place4 because it has been blessed by Sadguru Dattatreya, Siddhas and accomplished people.4 I have been told that everybody will get to the stage of meditation, after chanting the mantra4 'Hari Om Tatsat Jai Guru Datta'.4 You can test it yourself and if you also believe this to be true then tell the world.4 In this technique there are no sects or boundaries, no disciples. You remain where you belong.4 You do not have to change your sect, Guru or mantra but you do need to meditate.4 What is the harm if by following this procedure you get visions of your God-Krishna, Rama, Shiva,4 Mahavira, and Buddha? One should have an open mind to accept new techniques.4 Science and technology is advancing these days. Television relays whatever one speaks anywhere.4 Similarly this is a mantra in a newly developed metaphysical technology that allows4 everyone to attain meditation after chanting the mantra 'Hari Om Tatsat Jai Guru Datta'.4 You can chant at home, while walking around. Take advantage of this technique and you can get mental peace.4 You can ask questions if you do not understand something. It will be good if you test this technique first.4 It is said that a meditator should fix a purpose before sitting in meditation. Please tell us something about such a purpose?4 Meditation purifies the body and thoughts. But the meditator should fix the purpose of the meditation4 on a desired achievement. Demons and rakshasas also carried out mental japa and reached4 the stage of nirvikara-nirvikalpa samadhi. They wanted to have Darshan of God, Brahmaji,4 Lord Vishnu and mother Jagadamba. But their purpose of sadhana was to conquer Gods,4 to gain power, and to remain ever young and immortal. Lord did bless them4 but they did not get anything spiritual. Darshan of the Lord is not as important as the knowledge4 that He is Lord, Sadguru and what to ask for in a boon. You may request getting knowledge4 getting knowledge of the Self. You should be the knower of the Self.4 You should try to help others to achieve mental peace and happiness.4 Let everybody be happy and healthy, good to others, and let no one be unhappy at any time.4 It is very good if you have such a feeling, and you should request that you be provided4 with sufficient blessings to do good to yourself and to others.4 Sadguru feels happy with such objectives with the intent to help others.4 Devotee is provided with a lot of energy since one wants to distribute it to the whole world,4 Sadguru knows that the devotee is generous, compassionate, kind and renunciative4 hence one is blessed with a lot of energy. Therefore, the purpose of your meditation4 should be for good to all. You get the true knowledge in meditation that you are4 a pure soul and beyond nature and duality. You are a part of the enormous form of the Almighty.4 In whatever form you worship, your objective should always be to benefit others.4 Purpose of your worship and meditation should be selfless, benedictory and for the human benefit.4 It is essential that one should have determination to have benevolent thoughts.4 It is Sadguru's power that leads to such inspirations. I ask that4 all of humanity, irrespective of their religious faith should achieve peace and live with love and no hatred.4 Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Parses or anybody else should benefit,4 everybody should achieve mental peace and their thoughts should become pure.4 Everybody should live with love, without any animosity and friendly relationship.4 This is what I asked Sadguru for and am now distributing to everybody.4 If one practices this mantra, the differences amongst humans will vanish,4 they will love each other, and their spiritual knowledge will increase.4 Afflictions will disappear4 One will become an entirely different human being.4 But reaching this stage is not easy, it is very difficult. No one seems to be interested in listening4 to it or in practicing it even if it is distributed for free. It may take time,4 but one should continue to keep trying. Since this satsanga is for the good of everyone,4 I have replied to the questions by Chandrakantji, Agarwalji, Maheshbhai, Pauji and others.4 Since this satsanga is for good to everybody I have replied all questions according to the inspiration and my experiences.4 It's the duty of every human being to do well to others and I am also doing the same.4 I have asked this from Sadguru for you and by giving it to you I am fulfilling my duty.4 I consider all of you as my children, members of my family, and all of you belong to me.4 I have asked for this gift for you, and by giving it to you I feel very happy.4 All of you should take this technique of meditation to other people.4 I am with you and shall remain with you.4 # (Chanting) Hari om tatsat Jai Guru Datta4 Bapu stands next to God, yet he is so entirely human he has nurtured this ashram like his heart5 Devotees and seekers come here from distant lands they come here to pray, meditate5 and realise the great spiritual power and Bapu is a custodian of that power. He gives it to all.5 His prayers have been valid. In the middle of this life of divine ecstasy and spartan necessity5 he remains an uncommonly simple man. A man with a rare gift of love and compassion.5 Swami Punitachariji, The chosen one of Guru Datta