Yoga Poses & Meditation ow to Meditate
Do you find yourself rushing around to do this, do that, multi-tasking, trying to get everything done and then ending up just a whirlwind of stress? If that's you we need to meditate. Namaste. My name is Cindy Mastry and meditation is a great way to relieve your stress and get rid of all those nine million thoughts that are going on in your mind. It's easy to meditate and it can be done anywhere any time. Find a comfortable position. Shavasna is a great position to meditate in where you just let go to the ground. You want to turn off your cell phone, get away from the TV and any noise and just allow your mind to empty. You may not be able to empty your mind but what you can do is just take all those thoughts running around in your mind and just see them above your head like in a little balloon in a cartoon and just watch them as they float by. So watching your thoughts rather than participating in your thoughts and you might want to become aware of one object, just imagine one object. Maybe it's a rose, maybe it's a waterfall, maybe it's a cloud in the sky. Just imagine that in your mind's eye. Focus on that, that one point in concentration and allow your body just to be taken somewhere else away from all the stress and the strain of your daily life. So it's easy to meditate, just laying down and allowing your body to relax. Try to focus on one particular thing and let all those other thoughts go. Relieve the stress, the pressure from your life. Namaste.