Enlightenment ? Spiritual Awakening Ascension Meditation 3rd Eye - Kymatica 2

therefore the new telling him believe that galactic bodies are nothing more than lifeless forums floating in space is tantamount to claim that we humans are nothing more than a composite elements emotions we know that this is untrue because we feel we think and for the more we see the result of our consciousness creating what we call life played a role this world is indeed all living beings endowed with assault and intelligence a single visible living entity containing all other living entities which by their nature are all related furthermore the cosmos is a single living creature which contains all living creatures within it and in an article out of the city journal the author writes the world is a living spiritual beings this was understood by the tension philosophers and the alchemist who referred to the spiritual essence of the world at the end on monday the soul of the world and scriptures we hear of the claim the angels guides inner soulful actions of people but that the gods wheeled influence over manner most ancient spiritual and scientific teaching us how the belief that the hierarchies of the gods angels archangelsk archive all the way down to the chairman of the surf and are the hierarchies within the human psyche in this way you must understand that when the whole of the ancient myths and sacred scriptures speak of spiritual influence from a higher being they were speaking of archetypal forces that are inherent within us not influence from the externalsource this is where we begin to see the relevance of astrology as an ancient form of science that resurfaced in the nineteen th and twenty th centuries under the name of psychology frederick meat-eating stated as long as you still experience the stars us something about you he still active viewpoint of knowledge this is pastor psychology and that's the inner faculties of the psyche in pre christian times there were schools known today as the mystery schools where the mystery religions the message is included in the scriptures and anxious archaeology came from habits of spiritual science intent was to teach the initiates the deeper meaning of these men's but became later termed as lucifer satan or the devil was representative of the he got which rivals the lord the representative of the staff the true self is that at the center of a person's entire being it is the total sum of everything that we are the false ego on the other is the idea and concept we create about ourselves and the course of our lives which typically excludes many qualities we don't wish to accept about ourselves however humidity has been endowed with the freedom to choose either to obey the true self or to get into the temptation of divinity materialism of the false ego this is the most notable trait that separates man from animal a freedom of choice which was the follower concepts and ideals or a natural impulses the choice to sustain a trick or to destroy this freedom of choice ways on the fates of the entire organism that week all humanity cancer begins with a group of cells within the community but failed to communicate with the conscious signal of the organism those cells begin to grow out of control has spread to other areas of the organism this very disease is evident in our world today the cancer upon our car is the domination over false detail and their divorce from nature collectively among every human the cancer upon our birth is the domination over false detail and our divorce from nature collectively among every human vanity leads to segregation and competition competition with the fear and greed agreed leads to this e animal rowdy india morality is the breeding ground for illness waging war on terror every act of hatred and destructiveness of the world begins with self hate itself the softness and that all begins with a breakdown in communication in nature although we proceed with our five senses as a result of two fundamental principles everything in existence is made of a relationship between vibrations and matter vibration is a masculine creative force countered by matter which is a feminine receptor force dust begins the principle of to our team we see this duality in ancient myths and philosophies he only does foster fees and scriptures that were covered it and rate that the original meaning gave the impression that one polarity was good while the other was evil the original stages adept and shamans type that both are necessary and one would not exist without the other these two important principles come together to form all things in the universe this is kinda even language logos the communication of any and all things in nature depends upon this principle pete peterson and his works to send that it's the science of the future the detonator shows examples of connecticut into everything this phenomena is found to be one of the prime forces that moved biological evolution along its path again with the reproduced an experiment to prove that the anxious languages at hebrew in sanskrit when spoken created by the tory frequency that moved matter into sacred geometrical patterns upon further investigation hebrew sanskrit aramaic and other elder dialects have all the roots in a parent language of gaelic and quite possibly and even earlier origin in swami moral guesses the science of mantra he claimed that when a person checked that specific words in sanskrit while filming the burning candle the intensity as well as the color of the flame will change due to the frequency that the word would omit this same science has been shown to lower and raise blood pressure and in his own words certain cells can affect the circulation nervous system whatever change sci-fi braces qaz extends to the mind of a person and also to the surrounding atmosphere causing wants no calmness all this can be known by study has shown by practice this rediscover knowledge of the science of sound shows that sound is something more than mere vibratory signals not only does sound interact with life but sustains and develops acts as a conduit of conscious intent between people society's an entire civilizations yet the psychic illness we indoor due to the domination of our full speed up is reflected in the collective a psychological schism has filled his off from communicating crackling with our inner self which is exactly how cancer cells within the body operate in the collective we've created a language barrier between humanity and the rest of nature acting as a global cancer recorded in history efficacy of the ancient languages has been severely uprooted the alphanumeric translation from hebrew to english says a complete reversal of the two languages giving the signs that affect unnatural results doctor leonard horowitz stated in his work on d_n_a_ one-third of the sensory motor cortex of the brain is devoted to the tongue oral cavity phillips and speak in other words coral frequency in nations spoken or some exert powerful control over life five eighteen genes that influence total well-being and even evolution of the species the degradation of language in this case is shown to affect biology if something as basic important as language can be degraded undervalued to such a degree yet never questioned what else might we be messing forgiven aspect of your life that dictates the limits of your freedom government law enforcement insurance in pharmaceutical companies taxes building permits driver's licenses and more there are hundreds if not thousands of stipulations regulations and down trees on our freedom and out of the ones that were just mentioned how many have you research to find out whether they are fighting or not let's look at the forms of law that would probably acquiesced in common misconception among people is that any rule or regulation that governs them falls under one category but there are many other forms of law that people abide by without realizing that they simply do not apply to them another misconception is that a nation's constitution gives us our rights a constitution does nothing more than list the rates that we already have we are born with inalienable rights1 in doubt to aspire creator1 they're not given to us and they cannot be given away1 the most a person can do with the right is choose whether to exercise that or1 not1 maritime admiralty law is what's known as the law of the water1 it is superseded by civil law and only applies to those who would willingly1 contract themselves into it1 the definition of admiralty law1 is a body of private international law1 governing the relationships between private entities which operate vessels1 on the oceans1 let's look at how and why a form of law that is fashion to govern corporations1 businesses and vessels1 has imposed its rule over natural human beings1 this is all done through a form of words magic1 a simple perversion of language has made it possible to convince people around1 the world that these alternative laws apply to them1 one of the predominant beliefs in modern culture is that licenses1 permits1 registrations and other forms of documentation1 are required to operate motor vehicles1 he's publicly roads1 build structures and establishments engage in free enterprise and much more1 sadly1 these beliefs are based on little to no investigation whatsoever1 and are false1 this belief structure is perpetuated by maritime admiralty law1 this form of law was originally created to govern ships ducking and foreign1 nations for the import or export of products and resources1 it deals with thinking and merchant affairs not civil affairs1 when a product is taken off of this ship and brought into a foreign land1 that nation takes custody of the resource and accounts for it with the1 certificate1 that certificate marks the birth date of that product in the custody of their1 respective nation1 think of why the supposedly required to have a certificate of live birth in the1 first place1 behrens dictionary banking times defines a certificate1 as a paper establishing an ownership claim1 so right there1 we noticed that everyone with a birth certificate is defined as being filmed1 people are used as collateral with other nations because the u_s_ is bankrupt1 the united states declared bankruptcy on march ninth of nineteen thirty three1 at this point1 the u_s_ began taking out loans from a private1 non-government affiliated corporation called the federal reserve1 with no money to pay back the loans the united states begin using the citizens1 as collateral1 all birth and marriage certificates are literally warehouse receipts1 just look at the similarities of warehouse receipts and birth1 certificates1 both document the date of issue1 a serial number1 registration number for seat number1 the description of the product1 and unauthorized informant to notify the appropriate government agency1 with all of this information being readily available1 the majority of people are unaware of their involvement with an air time1 admiralty law1 this is possible through the manipulation of language1 this admiralty law change the meaning of the word person from the natural living1 person1 till corporation1 driver's licenses1 vehicle registrations auto insurance forms building permits gun permits work1 permits1 tax filing documents birth and death certificates traffic citations and many1 other forms of documentation that were once believed to be absolutely necessary1 only applied to persons1 or corporations1 upon signing such a legal documents1 upon signing such a legal document1 your indirectly waiting your rights under the constitution1 and lowering your status to that of a corporation1 as created with the same exact name is you1 the only way to reconcile your true name from the name of the corporation is to1 take notice that the corporation has its main in all capital letters1 this is known as capita steamy nation maxima1 it may take notice that your driver's license birth certificate1 social security card insurance cards and more1 use all capital letters to legally represent the corporation with your name1 the corporation is known as an artificial person1 whereas you the human being1 are known as a natural person1 this deception goes even deeper when it comes to the courts that weekend1 when showing that the court you'll notice that there are seats for1 witnesses behind the wooden fence barbarian1 the defendant must cross through the entrance to the other side of the bay1 area where the plaintiffs and joseph1 this act symbolizes the boarding the ship