Guided Meditation For Centering Yourself
[Guided Meditation for relaxation] First find a quiet place to sit A place with no distractions where you will not be disturbed. Turn off your telephones and mobile devices Its best to sit in an upright position with the back straight But you can do this meditation in any position that you find comfortable. Begin by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth Now, center your attention on your chest on your heart feel it beating feel the blood rushing through listen to it beating and observe it if you have trouble sensing your hear or hearing it then simply imagine it beating Focus all of your attention onto your heart go right inside yourself let the music wash over any thoughts that may come just be inside your heart Now that you are completely in your center imagine a ball of light a ball of energy surrounding your heart a ball of golden light at your center see this light begin to extend downwards down through your body moving down through your base chakra down through your legs and through your feet see the golden energy flowing out of the soles of your feet and out of your root chakra like a long tail going down burrowing down into the ground like three huge roots three roots of energy flowing out from you going deep, deep into the ground beneath you watch the energy travel deep down into the planet right down into the center of the earth once at the energy center of the earth your energetic roots will wrap themselves securely around the huge great crystal at the center of the planet Now you are at one with the planet observe how the planet feels Just like you the earth has its own heartbeat listen to it If you cant hear it then simply imagine the steady deep pulse of the planet's heart beating Spend a few minutes with this heartbeat Now let the beating of the planet's heart begin to travel up along your roots Up through the roots you just laid down into the earth up to the surface of the earth and up into your feet going up through your legs and your body until it reaches your heart your now have the earth's heartbeat on top of you own The two hearts beating together surrounded by a ball of golden light and energy let this energy now flow upwards up through your neck into your head and out of your crown chakra on the top of your head see the golden light pouring out of the top of your head a column of light traveling up from your heart up into the sky above into the heavens up into the spiritual realm into the place where we are all one the place where we are all connected the place where we are at one with God Feel the heartbeat of the sky of the heavens observe how this heart is beating and how you are connected to it again, if you can't sense the heartbeat of the heavens then simply imagine it pulsing the heartbeat of the heavens the spiritual realm Enjoy being in this place for a few moments Now observe as the heartbeat of the heavens starts to travel down the column of light towards you feel as is it comes down onto the top of your head down through your head and neck and finally into your heart. You are now back in your own center You now have your own heart beating together with the heartbeat of the heavens and the heartbeat of the earth Feel the three hearts beating together Feel yourself connected to the heavens and the earth at the same time by a golden light and the heartbeats of both You are now truly connected and balanced in tune with the above and below Take a few deep breaths and center yourself in this feeling You can now start to bring yourself back to consciousness slowly start to move your fingers your toes and when you feel ready you can now open your eyes