Dog Yoga Poses & Positions oga Seated Meditation for Both Dogs & Humans

Final meditation. So go ahead and bring one hand over your dogs heart and the other hand over your own heart. Again breathing deeply and slowly. Listen to the sound of your breath and fill in the breath in the body and just taking a moment to recognize the connection between you and your dog. A lot of people a lot of pet owners recognize that there is a spiritual connection between them and there pets. In all likely hood and we would out live our pets. There is a lot that we could learn about growing old, becoming ill, letting go, and dieing. We are having our pets in our lives. There is so much that we could learn from our dogs. Our dogs are so good that living in the moment your dogs are always happy to see you when you come home it doesn't matter if you were gone a half a hour or if you where gone 5 hours you where gone all day. As soon as you work into that door your dog is happy to see you. It doesn't matter how much you weigh, how much money you make, what your hair looks like. If your dog values you for there care, and a companionship that you share. So again keeping the breath low and smooth. And feeling a strong connection between you and your dog. Feeling your heartbeat.