How To Teach Yoga & Meditation For Children ow To Teach Kids To Meditate Anywhere

Hi, welcome to Expert Village. My name is Sharon Tessandori and for this segment we're going to be exploring some different seated positions that you can take for a seated meditation practice. So if your hips and knees allow you to come down to the floor, there are still a variety of positions that you can choose. The most important things is that you explore the positions to find out which one suits your body best and that you feel that you can sit comfortably in for up to 5 minutes. So one of the first things to consider is where your knees are in relation to your hips when you come down to the floor. If you come down to the floor and your knees are sticking up a little bit higher you're going to want to try to allow your knees to relax down and elevate your hips some. So there are a few ways that you can elevate your hips with meditation. This is Zafu, it's a traditional meditation cushion. If you don't have one of these then I suspect you probably wouldn't as beginner, then you could either use just a blanket that you roll up, a pillow or if you practice yoga you may have a block which is something else you could utilize. So I'm going to use a blanket for todays purposes. So I'm sitting right at the edge of the blanket, sitting my sits bone right at the edge just to elevate my hips more and my legs stay off of the rug. The first position which you can explore is just a comfortable cross leg seated position. Many of us might be familiar with this from a child or just sitting on the floor this might be one of the positions you would sit in, so that is your first option. Your second option is bending your legs, pulling one heel in and then bringing your other foot in just trying to align your heels as much as you can sitting tall. Take a couple moments to explore this position, see how it suits your body. The third position seated on the floor that you could explore is a half lotus position, which you're taking one leg bringing your foot up towards the bend of the leg, resting the hands down. And then the final position which most of us traditionally associate with the seated meditation practice is the full lotus position. From a half lotus position you bring the other foot up and bring it up to the bend of the leg. Try to find yourself sitting comfortably, rest your hands down and close your eyes.