Yog hanting & Movement Meditation oga Meditation with Down Dog Pose
After we finish our child's pose and arms together we move into what we call down dog. So basically what we do, we try to stretch the arms as far far as they can go. Palms facing, palms about shoulder distance apart. Spread the fingers and then easily start to lift your buttox from the floor. See if you can tuck your toes under and then start to press the tail bone high into the sky as you try to press the heels down to the floor. Again, try and keep the palms about shoulder distance apart, spread the fingers really wide and then start to push the floor away with strength of your arms. You start to send the tail bone high and press the heels down to the floor. Then start to find the deep stretch as you awaken all the places you touch. Now form here, on the next inhale come up, tail bone really high, coming to the tip of your toes. Try to keep the tail bone as high as we can and than kindly start to press the heels down to the floor, to that place that feels convenient for you. Then just a deep breath, start to enjoy the participation. We're not trying to get anywhere, it's not about how deep you're going to go, but it's about just start to experience. What you experience constantly and pay attention to all the feeling and sensations that are happening within you right now. Let's stay say maybe four more deep counts in the air, deep breaths as we keep stretching and awakening all these different areas that we touch. From down dog, we're just going to make a switch position. We're going to walk your feet all the way to the front of your mat, and bring your feet behind your hands. See if you can slowly start to roll your spine, come up standing.