Aikido Breathing Exercises ikido Meditative Breathing Techniques

Okay, now let's work on meditative breathing just a little bit more. You can go ahead and lay down if you want to. And perhaps the easiest way is find yourself, in yoga it's called a dead power corpse pose. Otherwise, find a relatively relaxed position and breathe. And this is more of a technique to learn how to breath correctly. Breathe in through your nose. Because you don't have the floor to, because the pressure's against your back, you don't have your back to expand against. So what you have to do is you have to focus on actually expanding your rib cage to the sides. So, and you will feel a tension, you will feel a stress take place, you will actually feel the ribs slightly expand. This is what you're looking for in regards to correct meditative breathing. It's also what you're looking for in correct combat breathing because it's eventually going to become your shield if something should happen. But expansion, relax, suck in the abdomen, should be nice and flat, pelvis comes up slightly off the floor. It should be as though you're trying to almost do kind of a partial crunch sit-up is the sensation you should be feeling in your abdomen. So, and you'll notice it becomes very hard, it becomes very stable and very interlocked.