Yoga Meditation Exercises uided Meditation for Yoga Exercises

In any yoga practice, it's important to find a way to center your mind. A great way to do this is through guided meditation. And I'm going to give you an example that you can use to begin and start thinking of ways to create that for yourself. Again, you want to find a comfortable seat whether be on a block, with your knees bend on either side, or you can take and find a cross-legged position. Whichever is easier for you to sit and be comfortable for about five minutes. As you start to increase your practice of meditation, you can increase this to fifteen, twenty, thirty minutes. Some people can go as long as an hour. But it's about finding a focus and something to be grateful for. So what you want to do is find that comfortable seat. Go behind closed eyes, let your vertebrae stack one on top of the other, and let the shoulder blades melt down the back. Let the chin tilt slightly forward. Not too far down and not too far back. You want to keep the neck in a nice, neutral position. You can bring your hands to your heart center in Anjali Mudra or offering, let the shoulder blades melt as I said before a nice deep breath's in. Focus in on your breath. Take three nice full breaths. As you breathe, let go of your day and let all your tension fall away. Now take the mind to something you're grateful for. Whether it'd be, you're grateful to be alive, for a person, a place, your pet, whatever you're grateful for, and focus your mind on that thought. You can also say thank you and repeat it several times to yourself. Thank you. Thank you. And let yourself focus. If words don't work for you and you just want to focus on the feeling of gratitude and love that you feel towards this object, person, place or thing or just the fact that you're alive, send love to yourself. Continue to focus your energies on this object, person, place or thing. The feeling of gratitude, let it surround you. And that is how you focus your mind in a Gratitude Meditation.