Yoga Meditation Exercises sing Mantras for Yoga Meditation

Another way to focus your energies and your minds in preparing for your yoga practice is to say a Mantra. One example I can give you is actually a centering prayer. So you take your comfortable seat, pull the extra fleshy part from underneath your sits bones, and let your shoulders drop down in back. And go behind close eyes, and then bring your hands to your heart center in Anjali Mudra or offering position. Let your chin slightly drop. If it's uncomfortable to hold your hands out, you can light your thumbs slightly touch your sternum or at your heart center, that gives a nice connectedness. Take a nice breath in. And to yourself you can say, May I be filled with loving kindness. May I be at peace. May I be well. And may I be happy. And you can repeat this to yourself several times. And then you can offer this out to someone else. So for example, "May Adrian be filled with loving kindness, May Adrian be at peace. May Adrian be well. And may Adrian be happy". And focus your thoughts on that person. And that's instantly to center yourself for your yoga practice.