Yoga Meditation Exercises lternate Nostril Breathing for Meditation

Another excellent way to center yourself for meditation and it's very helpful for beginners especially is Alternate Nostril Breathing or Nadi Sodhana. So what you want to do is actually take your hand, you can take your ring finger and your thumb, and use your right hand. Tuck the index finger and the middle finger down. It doesn't have to be clust straight against your palm, cause some people don't have the flexibility in their hands. So just find a comfortable way to take on this type of shape with your hand. What you're going to do is place the ring finger on your left nostril and leave your right nostril open. Take a nice inhale in through your right nostril, and when you inhale in as you want to exhale, plug the right nostril with your thumb, and the exhale out the left nostril. And then on your next inhale in which you want to do, is inhale through the left nostril. And then as you take the fullest inhale you can, plug the left nostril with your right ring finger and then exhale through the right nostril. So, I'm just going to continue to demonstrate few and not talk as much so you can follow along. So, I've taken the ring finger on my right hand, and closing off the left nostril. And that is Alternate Nostril Breathing. And you can do this with your eyes ope or your eyes close. Usually it's easier to concentrate on where your breath is going if the eyes are close on Alternate Nostril Breathing.