Chakra Meditation Course Many people are familiar with the concept of chakras, the energy centers of our body. But not many people are familiar with how this knowledge can be useful and practical in their lives. This is why we've created the Chakra Mediation Course by Hypnotic Harmonic. The course consists of seven guided chakra meditation processes. The processes themselves are journeys - journeys into the inner world. They're metaphysical hypnosis journeys which integrate different elements of shamanic healing philosophy with brainwave synchronization. The purpose of the journeys is that each of the journeys is focused on helping you to activate and integrate the qualities associated with each chakra. The first chakra is the ground chakra fundamentally associated for our sense of belonging. The journey associated with that is a journey to take you actually into the center of the planet, to really give you a sense of your heart beating in rhythm with all of life. The second chakra is the sex chakra. It's about expression and about the union. You and I and everybody have what's called the inner child inside. The inner child is the emotional feeling part of us all and often, really, through sex we are searching to experience union. The reason we feel that's something's lacking or the reason we feel that we need to get something from somebody else to feel complete is that we're failing to listen to our deepest emotional needs and fulfill them ourselves. So our process for the second chakra is inner child healing, a journey to meet your inner child and transform the fear of the child to love. The third chakra is will, our sense of personal power. If I was to give you the power to create anything in your life today, what would it be? In answer to that question, in truth, most people will respond with lower worldly concerns - money, sex, fame, bigger house, faster car. We each have many different parts of ourselves. There's the lower self-needs, the lower needs, the need of the world, the desires of the world. They're fine, they can be fun. The world is a great place to be. There's also an aspect of us called the higher self. The higher self is the wise part of us that always knows right and wrong and knows what's best for us, the part which is aligned with higher life purpose with divine guidance. So the process for the third chakra is called being higher self. It's a journey to meet the higher self and step into the consciousness that is that wisdom which is already inside. The fourth chakra, living from love. The fourth chakra, the heart, our connection between the physical and the non-physical, our connection between this world and the world of spirit, and the heart, of course, it's about love. The process living from love is a journey helping us each to say yes to life, to step away from the ego and dualistic perceptions of fear closing resistance, and to step towards the more union expanded loving sensations of acceptance and grace. To be able to say yes to each and every situation in life and feel the wonderful heart opening joy, which is living from love. That's the process of the fourth of our journeys. The fifth chakra, communication. The ability to express in this world in the Chakra Mediation Course. The process for the fifth chakra is called conscious creativity. If you could consciously burn away every limiting pattern of belief and thought and emotion in your life and consciously create something new in its place, what would that be, if you could consciously create your life, if your life itself in every way could be a conscious communication of your inner most essence? This is the heartfelt intention of the process conscious creativity for the fifth chakra, a journey to take you back to that place. The sixth chakra, the third eye, often associated with mental abilities, telepathy, psychic abilities. This process is called soul retrieval. Soul retrieval is a shamanic form of healing that dates back thousands of years. Each of us has, in one metaphorical term, many pieces of our soul. Another more modern psychological way of saying this would be many pieces of our energy. Each of us actually we can lose pieces of our energy to other people. Have you ever heard somebody say "I feel like I lost a part of myself in that relationship"? Similarly we can each take on unconsciously parts of other people's energy. The process of soul retrieval is a guided journey to give the parts of other people's energy that we're holding on to back and to go on a journey in time to claim back each and every part of ourselves and bring ourselves back in the moment right now. Soul retrieval. The seventh chakra is the connection to spirit and the process for this chakra is called merging with source. It's a journey chakra by chakra to the place where we each came from and a place to which we each shall return, the place that I like to call "source." This is chakra meditation by Hypnotic Harmonic, a process that we invite you to enjoy today.
chakra meditation course
Chakra Meditation Course Many people are familiar with the concept of chakras, the energy centers of our body. But not many people are familiar with how this knowledge can be useful and practical in their lives. This is why we've created the Chakra Mediation Course by Hypnotic Harmonic. The course consists of seven guided chakra meditation processes. The processes themselves are journeys - journeys into the inner world. They're metaphysical hypnosis journeys which integrate different elements of shamanic healing philosophy with brainwave synchronization. The purpose of the journeys is that each of the journeys is focused on helping you to activate and integrate the qualities associated with each chakra. The first chakra is the ground chakra fundamentally associated for our sense of belonging. The journey associated with that is a journey to take you actually into the center of the planet, to really give you a sense of your heart beating in rhythm with all of life. The second chakra is the sex chakra. It's about expression and about the union. You and I and everybody have what's called the inner child inside. The inner child is the emotional feeling part of us all and often, really, through sex we are searching to experience union. The reason we feel that's something's lacking or the reason we feel that we need to get something from somebody else to feel complete is that we're failing to listen to our deepest emotional needs and fulfill them ourselves. So our process for the second chakra is inner child healing, a journey to meet your inner child and transform the fear of the child to love. The third chakra is will, our sense of personal power. If I was to give you the power to create anything in your life today, what would it be? In answer to that question, in truth, most people will respond with lower worldly concerns - money, sex, fame, bigger house, faster car. We each have many different parts of ourselves. There's the lower self-needs, the lower needs, the need of the world, the desires of the world. They're fine, they can be fun. The world is a great place to be. There's also an aspect of us called the higher self. The higher self is the wise part of us that always knows right and wrong and knows what's best for us, the part which is aligned with higher life purpose with divine guidance. So the process for the third chakra is called being higher self. It's a journey to meet the higher self and step into the consciousness that is that wisdom which is already inside. The fourth chakra, living from love. The fourth chakra, the heart, our connection between the physical and the non-physical, our connection between this world and the world of spirit, and the heart, of course, it's about love. The process living from love is a journey helping us each to say yes to life, to step away from the ego and dualistic perceptions of fear closing resistance, and to step towards the more union expanded loving sensations of acceptance and grace. To be able to say yes to each and every situation in life and feel the wonderful heart opening joy, which is living from love. That's the process of the fourth of our journeys. The fifth chakra, communication. The ability to express in this world in the Chakra Mediation Course. The process for the fifth chakra is called conscious creativity. If you could consciously burn away every limiting pattern of belief and thought and emotion in your life and consciously create something new in its place, what would that be, if you could consciously create your life, if your life itself in every way could be a conscious communication of your inner most essence? This is the heartfelt intention of the process conscious creativity for the fifth chakra, a journey to take you back to that place. The sixth chakra, the third eye, often associated with mental abilities, telepathy, psychic abilities. This process is called soul retrieval. Soul retrieval is a shamanic form of healing that dates back thousands of years. Each of us has, in one metaphorical term, many pieces of our soul. Another more modern psychological way of saying this would be many pieces of our energy. Each of us actually we can lose pieces of our energy to other people. Have you ever heard somebody say "I feel like I lost a part of myself in that relationship"? Similarly we can each take on unconsciously parts of other people's energy. The process of soul retrieval is a guided journey to give the parts of other people's energy that we're holding on to back and to go on a journey in time to claim back each and every part of ourselves and bring ourselves back in the moment right now. Soul retrieval. The seventh chakra is the connection to spirit and the process for this chakra is called merging with source. It's a journey chakra by chakra to the place where we each came from and a place to which we each shall return, the place that I like to call "source." This is chakra meditation by Hypnotic Harmonic, a process that we invite you to enjoy today.