Yog hanting & Movement Meditation og ntegration Chanting into Movement

Now we'll integrate some healing vibration, some chanting to the standing movement. So, what we do is to add a mantra, which is "Om Sri Sri Hi Namaha," "Om Sri Sri Hi Namaha," which means "I honor the divinity within me. So, you're honoring all of yourself. It's a respect form for yourself, honoring the fullness of life that you are, the full perfection of life that you are. So, we start lifting our arms up and inhale. Reach high, and then as we exhale we bend forward, and we're going to let the sound of the mantra come out of the core of our existence. I'm going to turn around so you can see. So, inhale, and then "Om Sri Sri Hi Namaha." Inhale, come up, reach high, "Om Sri Sri Hi Namaha." One more time. Inhale up, "Om Sri Sri Hi Namaha. One last one, and this time we're going to come up, inhale, we're going to bring the palms together to the heart's center as we let the mantra come up, "Om Sri Sri Hi Namaha." Relax the shoulders, the elbows, keep the palms together really softly, and just observe what is happening within you . . . all of the changes and vibrations as you feel the connection with Mother Earth.