Core Flow Vinyasa Yog ntermediate editation in Yoga

After performing your Pranayama, anywhere from a minute to a half an hour or an hour you can settle into meditation. And, we can do this simply by maintaining the Pranayama Pose and relaxing the breath. So, no longer are we trying to make the breath long or deep or anything. We simply let go of the breath control. And, we saddle into a deeper stillness. The breath may be big, it may be small. It may go away for awhile and then come back. That's the difference between the Pranayama and the meditation. In the meditation, your concentration can be more refined. So, we look inside. We close the eyes. Connect inward deeply with the center. I like to feel the outside of my body is collapsing inward towards that spine and resting, resting into the spine. The moments where the breath stops, there can be an exquisite stillness. So peaceful. Now, there are lots of meditation techniques that involve mantras repeating the same words over and over inside your head and visualizations. And, you can learn these from a teacher or even from a book. But, the way we do it in class is we just sit for a few moments. We get quiet. And, we offer an inner prayer. A mantra that we know or a dedication for our practice today. Offering up our efforts and offering up the fruits of those efforts.