Winter Solstice Meditation

hi my name is Irene Langeveld and I'm going to lead you on a guided meditation for the winter solstice so make yourself comfortable sit down and make sure that your feet are on the ground and then just take a deep breath and as you breathe out you may breathe out all the thoughts and experiences of the day just allow yourself to relax you can keep your eyes open during the meditation and just look at the pictures that I have for you or you can close then and just be with yourself now imagine that you breathe in peace and that you breathe out any tension or stress that is in your body and feel your body relaxing as you do that and now the next time that you breathe in I'd like you to imagine that you breathe in all the way through your body all the way to your feet as if you are nurturing your entire body with this oxygen with this energy of your breath take a deep breath in and imagine that it goes all the way down and now place your attention on your base chakra at the base of your spine and create a grounding cord there with your intention it's a connection between the base of your spine and the earth and let that connection that grounding cord go very deeply into the earth if you want you can say hello to the earth through your grounding cord and see what energy returns to you and then also make a grounding cord under your left feet your left foot I should say and your right foot and just feel those connections with the earth and now with your attention turn inside go into your heart right into the core of your being the core of your heart center and allow that heart energy to expand as you do that to radiate outwards as a very bright light and that light is filling not only your energy field but its radiating outward and now that you are centered in this way just reflect on the past year that you had and see the different experiences that you've had the different learning experiences the challenges the good times and also what you gained from your challenges and allow it to be shown to you now if you haven't had clarity on that already ask to be shown the gifts of this previous year and keep breathing as you do that and as you reflect on these gifts you integrate them into your being to take another deep breath and feel who you have become in this moment through all the experiences that you've had the building blocks to where you are now you can almost see it as a staircase you've stepped up this year but there's more to come in the future and this is a special time that you can reflect on both your past and your future to take another deep breath and go back with your attention to your heart center just allow the thoughts and the images and the feelings of this past year to float away again and just be centered in this moment right here right now feel your body in the chair feel your feet on the ground feel the connection with the earth and also the connection with the higher energies if you want you can intend to open up your crown chakra and just allow this beautiful light from your higher self to flow into your body and allow that energy to flow through your head your shoulders your arms your hands your chest all the way down to your grounding cord into the earth and also through your legs to your feet and into the earth there and just feel this flow of energy or imagine that it is flowing through your body in this way and now we are gonna take a look at the future so imagine that you are on this pathway and you turn in the direction that you wanna go in and you see this Road and maybe you can see far ahead maybe you can just see a few meters in front of you it doesn't matter just imagine that you are standing on this road and it is your road it's your pathway so if there's anything that you would like to encourage yourself to do or anything that you would like to experience in this coming year you can put that intention and and bring it onto this pathway you can focus on something specific like a new job or a relationship or financial abundance or you can focus on feelings that you want to feel more relaxed more happy1 more balanced more confident1 whatever it is pull it up1 think about what you want for your self1 in your heart and just put it out there1 imagine what it looks like1 imagine your self1 literally walking into it being with it1 carrying it integrating it in your life1 with as much1 ease and grace as possible1 you can imagine that you start walking down this road1 you start walking in the direction1 of your dreams and you're fully centered in yourself1 you are with your energy right here but you know1 that there's good things ahead of you1 and as you walk the scenery might change you might experience1 things that you didn't expect1 and right now you can just intend to go with the flow of that1 to just move along with whatever life is gonna bring you1 because you have set your intention so that is set into motion already1 and sometimes life gives you a little detour because there's something to gain1 from it1 so it's important to be flexible and1 enjoy the journey just as you would enjoy the journey as you were walking1 down this1 snowy beautiful landscape when you're walking out in nature like that you're1 enjoying1 that moment and that's what it's about1 now let this image go this imago of the road1 of you walking and just return to feeling your body in this moment1 take a few deep breaths1 and let these breaths go all the way down1 just feel1 how you're feeling what this did to you1 if you want you can bring in1 the feeling of excitement or wonder1 or whatever you want to bring in1 just feel it in this moment bring it into your here and now1 that's the most powerful place to create your future from1 and then take another deep breath and as you breathe out1 slowly open your eyes look around you1 and fully come back into the room1 into the here and now1 where you are now you might want to 1 drink a little bit of water now take care of yourself1 just maybe take a few moments to just integrate1 what you just experienced or write down1 your intentions whatever you feel like doing1 take your time to do that1 and if you're interested in hearing more meditations from me1 different subjects Heart Centered Living is a big one but there are many different1 meditations that you can find on my website also a separate grounding meditation1 you can find that on irenelangeveld.com1 you can click the link in the video or the link below the video to get there1 now I wish you a beautiful solstice1 period beautiful celebrations1 with the holidays that follow and1 the most amazing year ahead thank you for listening1 until the next time