What should I expect from Meditation?

So I think that one of the best ways to understand the dynamics of the mind at play during meditation is to imagine yourself sat down at the side of a very busy road. Now before you start to meditate it's a little bit like having a blind fold on. You're aware of all the background noises and stress of the environment but you not really able to see what it is that is causing the stress. Now, when you start to meditate it's like taking the blindfold off and all of a sudden you see much more clearly the thoughts and feelings in the mind. You get to understand why and how you feel the way you do. The temptation of course is to run out into the road and start trying to control the traffic. Chasing after the pleasant thoughts and trying to stop the unpleasant thoughts. That's really quite exhausting you know, and that's why we tend to get stressed as often as we do. So meditation takes a slightly different approach. It's about holding your seat on the side of the road and getting used to allowing that autonomous flow of traffic to just come and go, the thoughts and feelings of the mind. And when you do that what you'll find is that the volume of traffic on the road starts to decrease and the space between the cars starts to increase and that's the place of calm and clarity that feels so nice. For more information about Meditation please visit the Headspace website.