Winter Solstice 2013 Guided Meditation for World Peace and Healing of Mother Earth

Bring your awareness inside now Into your being Smile inwardly Listen to your breath And slow It Down Breathe deeply and slowly Breathing from your belly Sense the calm and peaceful energy that is enveloping Relax and let go Understand that your heart's desire is fulfilled in the realm of the unseen upon asking Deep breaths in And out Relax in the stillness and quietness of this space Set forth this intention I CALL LIGHT TO MYSELF NOW A column of bright white light pours down from infinite space above Straight down thru your energy field Your aura And every cell in your body INSTANTLY raising your vibration Sense the light moving thru your being Encompassing Flowing down Through the Earth Through the body of Gaia Our Mother Earth Sense it flowing You ARE in a state of vertical connection now With ALL that is above And all that surrounds And all that is below We understand that we are connected We understand that the raising of our own vibration affects the energy around us And raises the energy of the Earth as well Set forth this intention I GROUND MYSELF INTO THE HEART OF GAIA NOW Imagine a cord of light from your belly Send this cord of light straight down Into the heart of Mother Earth INTO the core crystal at the centre of the Earth You sense a oneness with the Great Mother The iron in your blood goes into resonance with the beautiful iron core crystal And you experience yourself as one with the Great Mother Place your awareness in your heart now Feel for the place inside your chest Directly between your breasts Experience this space as a glowing emerald green energy You receive unconditional love from the divine mother And you radiate this pure love from your heart Continue breathing slowly Keeping your focus in your heart Allowing yourself to experience this love as an activation of the heart Our energy connects with the Divine Mother Earth and her energy runs through her Up thru our feet Throughout our bodies And energy field Filling us with the unconditional love of the Divine Mother We feel ourselves as her children We experience an overwhelming quality of unconditional love Which connects us with each other And with ALL life on our blessed planet Enjoy the connectivity and love that envelops your being Sense the oneness with each other Continue to breathe deeply From your belly Slowly in And out Feel the peace descending and enveloping Imagine now A massive circle of people holding hands Circling the entire globe The human beings that make up the tribe of planet Earth Feel yourself as one with this tribe Of ALL human beings A resonance flows sunwise Clockwise Throughout the circle Through our arms and hands The resonance of unconditional love Feel yourselves as one with the planet Earth We let go of all judgements and concepts of other human beings as good or bad Superior or inferior We let go now We let go Understanding that we are truly a tribe A tribe of beings whose hearts beat as one! We are the tribe who hold a connection at this time with this sacred blue-green planet A planet of infinite beauty and power A planet who shares her life and energy with us We feel deep gratitude and appreciation at this time for the opportunity to be alive And this appreciation awakens in us a deep desire for all life to thrive We focus on this awakened and heightened desire now Peace on Earth A place where ALL are thriving It is in this desire Bathed in love That we allow all the prayers and desires of the people to live in peace and safety to grow within us now We spread this desire out to the nations And choose in our everyday lives to reflect this awakened and heightened desire through our everyday choices Our heightened desire for world peace causes us to look for and find solutions We embody these solutions More and more we begin to become the change we are longing for on a much greater scale The change that the entire world is moving towards and enveloping itself in We begin to see it surround us on a much greater scale We see it more and more everywhere we look We make our decisions based on the good of all Embracing each moment of choice We make our decisions in line with the awakening of the spirit of mass consciousness We rejoice at the opportunity to be alive on Earth at this time During this great awakening We make all decisions from the place of love that connects us all For we all come from the same source of pure positive energy We embrace this knowing now We breathe in this pure positive loving energy Allow this love that is circling the tribe To radiate to and for each other Giving and receiving this love Sending out hope to the nations1 Breathe deep and allow this love to be enveloped with every in breath1 And given out and spread with every out breath Breathing in the love1 Emanating this love with every outbreath In and out1 Focusing on the giving and receiving of this love1 You recall this love easily in your everyday life1 And moments of choice Remembering this deep seated desire in your1 heart for peace on Earth And you remember that your heart's desire1 IS fulfilled in the realm of the unseen And the knowing that as we continue to look1 towards the solutions All of the pure positive energy that IS the1 Godforce Backs us up and becomes all that we are asking1 for We are awakened to the understanding that1 we are co-creators With each other1 With the angels Co-creating with ALL of the Godforce that1 IS the source of pure positive energy where all of our heart desires are held1 And waiting Waiting as we raise our own vibrations to1 match this higher vibrational place Allowing all that we are asking for1 Peace on Earth To manifest1 To become the reality we are seeking To become the reality we are living1 Peace on Earth Goodwill to Man1 We rest in the peace that this brings us Now1 Let our united love radiate through the plant and animal kingdoms of the Earth1 So that we form a united grid of love energy affecting every plant and every being who1 is a part of Gaia Experience the oneness of all living beings1 Focus on sending out waves of this pure positive loving and healing energy towards the healing1 of Mother Earth and all her inhabitants Sense this love1 And send this love This pure, positive energy radiating1 From our hearts Throughout the world1 We ARE connected to the very energy that creates worlds1 We focus in now On this healing light1 And send this light out now Through the plant kingdom1 Through all plants and the bushes The foliage and the trees1 See waves of this energy being sent through the woods1 The forests and the rainforests Through the soils of the crops and the earth1 Through the trickling brooks The streams1 The rivers The ponds1 Through all lakes upon the earth And thru the great oceans of this blessed1 planet we call home Now1 Envision this healing light to be reaching across the landscapes Across the farmer's1 fields Across the vineyards1 The meadows Across all valleys on earth1 The hills Our majestic mountains around the globe1 Across the deserts and the swamps and the marshes1 Now Send this healing light energy into the atmosphere1 that surrounds us Feel the energy of thanks and appreciation1 from Gaia at this time Allow yourself to bask in this loving energy1 Allow this love to be felt as a connection between us and all other life forms1 The birds The forest creatures1 The fish and all life in the waterways and oceans1 The wild animals of the African plains The jungle animals1 And our own cats and dogs and other pets Feel the matrix of love which connects all1 life on our planet Send this radiating love down through your1 body now Down into the heart of Gaia1 Feel it returned to us Flooding our bodies and spirits with unconditional1 love We return it and send forth this love from1 our hearts Asking to remember the feeling of this love1 in our everyday moments Thus carrying this higher vibration of love1 We feel our hearts beat as one with Gaia and with each other1 We are the children of Mother Earth We are the children of the creative life force1 itself We are the expressions of LOVE itself1 We may choose to keep this connection of love The connection which binds us with each other1 and all living things on this beautiful blue green planet that is our Mother1 Our home This connection that binds us in love1 And causes us to recognize that WE1 ARE ALL1 ONE And so1 It is....