Jose Silva Life System Centering Exercise Guided Meditation Awakening

we will begin this exercise with the 321 method 0 find a comfortable in on of on close your eyes of well take a deep breath on and while next 18 of mentally repeat and to visualize the number three three times on of level 3 is for physical relaxation where you can learn to relax from head to toes in a matter of seconds on to help you learn to relax basically at level 3 well I'm going to direct your attention to different parts of your body on concentrate here since awareness on your scalp of the skin that covers your head on you will detect defined by Bray Shin on a tingling sensation of a feeling of warmth cost by circulation on well now release and completely relaxed all tensions and ligament pressures from this part of your head of and replace it in a deep state of relaxation that will grow deeper of and deeper as we continue of on concentrate your sensible where news on your forehead on the skin that covers your forehead on on on on you will detect the fine by Bray shantelle a tingling sensation on a feeling of warm cause by circulation of on of of now release and completely relaxed on all tensions in ligament pressures of from this part in your hand on and place it in a deep state of relaxation of that will grow deeper when deeper on as we continue of on concentrate of your sense awareness on your I needs of and the tissue surrounding your lines of on you will detect a fine vibration of a tingling sensation on a feeling of warm cost by circulation on on of on on now release and relaxed of all tensions and ligament pressures on from this part of your hand of and replace it in a deep state of relaxation on that will grow deeper and deeper as we continue of on of concentrate on your sense of awareness on your face of the skin covering your cheeks on of on on he will detect a fine vibration on a tingling sensation on a feeling of warmth cost by circulation on now release and completely relaxed all tensions in ligament pressures from this part if your head on and replace it in a deep state of relaxation on that will grow deeper and deepen as we continue on on concentrate on the outer portion love you through it on the skin covering your throat area on on you will detect a fine vibration on a tingling sensation of a feeling of warm cost by circulation on on on on now release and completely relaxed all tensions in ligament pressures on from this part of your body and place it in a deep state of relaxation of I will grow deeper I'm and it deeper as we continue on concentrate on within the throat area on and relax all tensions in ligament pressures from this part of your body on and replace it in a deep state of relaxation going deeper on and deeper on every time on of on concentrate on your shoulders on feel your clothing in contact with your body on on feel the skin and the vibration of the skin covering this part of your body on on relax all tensions in ligament pressures on and replace your shoulders in a deep state of relaxation going deeper on and deeper on every time on on on concentrate on your chest on feel your clothing in contact with this part of your body on on feel the skin on and the vibration of your skin covering your chance on relax all tensions in a given pressures on and replace your chest in a deep state of relaxation going deeper on and it deeper on every time on concentrate within the chest area on on relax all organs on on relax old man on on on relax all tissues on including the cells themselves on and cost them to function any Ruth Nick healthy manner on on on on concentrate on your abdomen on on on feel the clothing in contact with this part of your body1 on1 feel the skin and the vibration of the skin1 on covering your abdomen on1 on1 on1 relax all tensions and ligament pressures1 on and replace your abdomen1 in a deep state of relaxation going deeper1 on and deeper on every time1 on1 on1 on1 concentrate within the abdominal1 area on1 on1 on1 relax all organs on1 on1 relax all lands on1 on1 relax all tissues on including the cells1 themselves on and cause them to function1 the nearest make healthy manner on1 on1 on1 on concentrate on your side's1 on1 on1 on1 on1 on1 feel the clothing in contact with this party everybody1 on1 on1 on1 on1 feel the skin and the vibration of your skin1 covering your lines on1 on1 on1 relax all tensions ligament pressures1 on and place your thighs in knee deep state of relaxation1 going deeper and and eighty per1 every time on1 on1 sends the vibrations at the bones within the1 nine's on1 by now the spy rations are1 easily detectable on1 on1 I'm1 concentrate on your knees on1 peel the skin and the vibration of your skin1 covering the knees on1 relax all tensions and ligament pressures1 on and replace your knees in a deep state of relaxation1 going deeper on and deepen1 every time on1 on1 concentrate on your caps on1 on1 on1 feel the skin and the vibration of the skin1 covering your camp on1 on1 on1 relax all tensions and ligament pressures1 of and replace these parts of your body1 on in a deep state of relaxation1 going deeper and and deepen1 every time on1 on1 on1 on1 to injury deeper healthier level of mind1 concentrate on your toons on1 on1 on1 enter a deeper healthier level of mind1 on1 on to ensure a deeper healthier level of mind1 concentrate on the soles have your feet1 on1 on1 on1 on1 enter a deeper healthier levels of mind1 on1 on1 to ensure a deeper healthier level of mind1 concentrate on the heels of your feet1 on1 on1 on1 on1 enter I deeper on healthier level of mind1 on1 now cause your feet to feel as though1 they do not belong to your body on1 your feet feel ass though they do not belong to your body1 on1 your feet on ankles1 on caps of and kidneys1 female as though they do not belong to your body1 on1 on1 your feet on ankles1 on cabs on1 Nenes on lines1 of waste1 on shoulders1 arms and hands feel as though you1 they do not belong to your body on1 you are now at a deeper healthier level of mind1 deeper than before on this is your physical relaxation level 31 whenever you Manti repeat1 and visualize the number three your body will relax1 as completely as you are now on and more so1 every time you practice on1 take another deep breath on and as you exhale1 mentally repeat and visualized the number two1 on three times on1 level two ish for mental relaxation where noises1 will not distract you instead nice is will help you to relax mentally more1 and more on to help you learn to relax mentally at level 21 on I'm going to call your attention to different passive scenes1 on visualizing any scene1 that makes you tranquil in passage1 will help you relax mentally on you're being at the beach1 on a nice summer day on maybe1 a tranquil impassive same for you on1 a game out fishing on maybe1 a tranquil impassive scene for you on1 a tranquil impassive scene for you maybe a walk through the woods1 on a beautiful summer games when the breezes1 just right where there are tall shade trees1 and beautiful flowers on very blue sky1 me on and locational1 White Cloud1 birds singing in the distance on even squirrels2 plane on tree limbs on2 hear the birds singing when the distance2 on2 on2 this mental relaxation level 22 where noises will not distract you2 on to enhance mental relaxation2 at level 2 when practice visualizing2 tranquil impassive seems on2 to ensure the basic level 1 when tlie repeat and visualize2 number one three times on2 you are now at level 1 the basic plain level2 that you were able to use for a purpose any purpose you desire2 on to enter deboer2 healthier levels of mind practice with the countdown deepening exercices2 on to deepen2 countdown went from 100 212 on or from 52.1%2 on or from 25 212 when you reach the count of 12 you will have reached a deeper health your level of mind2 deeper than before on you will always have full control in complete menu2 over your faculties and census at all levels of the mind2 including the outer conscious level on2 the best time to practice the countdown deepening exercices2 on is in the morning when you wake up on remain in bed2 at least 25 minutes practicing the countdown deepening exercices2 on the second best time to practice2 is that night when you're ready to retire on the third best time to2 practice2 is at noon after lunch well five minutes have practice is good2 way 10 minutes is very good2 on in 15 minutes is excellent2 on to practice once a day is good2 on two times a day is very good2 on and three times a day2 is excellent on2 if you have a health problem practice poor2 15 minutes three times a day on2 to help you enter a deeper healthier levels minder2 I'm going to count from 10 to one on2 on each to send the number you will feel yourself going deepen2 and you will ensure a deeper on healthier2 levels mind on can2 on 9 on2 feel going deeper when 82 way 72 6 went deeper and deeper2 when 5 way2 for well 32 deeper and deeper went to2 well-known2 you are now at a deeper healthier level of mind2 deeper than before way you may enter2 a deeper healthier level of mind way simply relaxing your Islands2 on relax your eyelids2 well feel her relax the on2 allow this feeling of relaxation to flow slowly downward2 throughout your body all the way down to your toes2 way2 on2 it is a wonderful feeling to be deeply relaxed2 a very healthy state of beam on2 on2 to help you entry deeper healthier levels of mine but2 I'm going to count from one to three and because the sound with my fingers2 well at that moment you a project yourself mentally2 to your ideal place to relax a shimon2 I will then stop talking to you and when you next hear my voice2 on one hour of time will have elapsed at this level of mind2 on my voice will not start you2 you'll take a deep brown2 relax and to go deep down2 one tune2 3 project yourself mentally to your2 ideal place relaxation2 until you hear my voice again relax2 on2 on2 on2 up2 relax2 take a deep breath and gas you exhale2 relaxing go deeper up2 whenever you hear me mention the word relax all2 unnecessary movements and activities have your body2 brain and mind will cease immediately2 and you will become completely passive2 and relaxed physically and mentally2 the difference between genius mentality2 and delay mentality is at geniuses use more of their minds2 in use them in a special manner you are now2 able to use more your mind in to use it in a special manner2 the following are beneficial statements2 the gym a location only repeat while at these levels of the mind2 repeat mentally after me my increasing mental faculties2 are for serving humanity batter2 up2 every day in every way I am getting better2 batter and the better2 up2 positive thoughts brainy benefits2 and advantages I desire up2 I have full control and complete Dominion2 over my sense in faculties at all levels of the mind2 including the outer conscious level2 I will always maintain2 a perfectly healthy body and2 mind every time you function at these levels at the mind2 you will receive beneficial facts2 physically and mentally you may use these levels of the mind2 to help yourself physically2 and mentally you may use these levels of the mind2 to help your loved ones physically2 and mentally you may use these levels of the mind2 to help any human being who needs help2 physically and mentally you'll2 always use these levels of the mind in a constructive2 creative manner or aren't that is good2 honest pure clean2 and depositing and this is some you will continue to take part in constructive2 and creative activities2 to make this a better world to live in2 so that when we move on we shall have left behind3 a better world for those who follow you will consider the whole of humanity3 depending on their agents as fathers or mothers3 brothers or sisters sons or daughters3 you are a superior human being3 you have greater understanding3 compassion and3 patients with others in a moment3 I'm going to count from 1 to 5 in cause a sound with my fingers3 at that moment you open your eyes3 be wide awake feeling fine3 and in perfect health feeling3 better than before one3 to