Why My Meditation Today Pissed Me Off

Debbi Dickinson, Life Coach and Best-Selling Author I enjoy my morning meditations it is a quiet time for me to get grounded and centered before heading into the busyness of the day. Today my meditation reading pissed me off! The reason is that is talked about me setting quality of life standards that everyone should be judged by. There are two aspects of this that REALLY annoyed me. The first is judging others. I use to set high bars of standards and would just judge other people as to their worthiness of meeting my standards. The image of me standing on a pedestal comes to mind playing Caesar with the thumbs up, thumbs down ? Freedom or The Lions! I will be the first to admit there are actions I did in my past that I am not proud of. It took me a long time to come to the understanding of 'who am I to judge others?' The second aspect is me setting the quality of life standards. My meditation specifically called out Honesty, Purity, Unselfishness and Love. I can tell you that my current understanding of these quality traits is much different than my understanding just a few years ago. So again measuring others to how I understand these qualities today isn't fair to them. What I do understand about what the meditation was saying is how I choose to live my life today. I am always striving to better myself and to be of service to others. For me, the definition of each quality trait has evolved over time. I have an understanding of each trait that I wish to attain and strive to attain that vision. I find as I get closer to the goal; my definition of the quality trait deepens and my journey continues. What I have to remember is this is my vision for me and me alone. Accepting that others are doing the best they can as they move along in their life journey is what I must do. There is a saying "One rock does not belittle another rock". However I view myself does not give me the right of comparing where someone else is at on their life journey to where I am or where I am heading. One blessing today's reading gives me is the reminder that I am in touch with my values and those areas of my life I strive to make better. I do not have to embrace everything I read and I have confidence in myself to know it is OKAY to have a different viewpoint. Do me the favor of hopping over to my Facebook page to "Like" it and comment on this blog that is posted there.