Is Transcendental Meditation Really Effortless?
The key word in understanding how Transcendental Meditation is different from other forms of meditation is the word "effortless." Because when we think of meditation we think of something that involves control of the mind, or concentration, some manipulation, something like that. You follow your breathing, you focus on a thought of an idea. Transcendental Meditation involves no concentration, no effort, and that's important. And the reason for that is because the natural tendency of the human mind is to be drawn towards something more satisfying. You're sitting in a room and you're listening to some music, and it's not very good music. And in the other room, some really good music comes on, something you love. What happens? *Snaps fingers* The attention shifts. Your attention shifts. Effortlessly it's drawn towards something more satisfying. The source of thought, this inner reservoir of creativity, energy, and intelligence, which lies within each of us, is a very satisfying field. In Transcendental Meditation we learn how to give the attention of the mind an inward direction, and effortlessly it's drawn within. If we use any concentration, or control of the mind, we stay on the surface. So it's the effortless transcending that distinguishes Transcendental Meditation from other forms of meditation, and is really responsible for the whole huge range of benefits that we find from the technique.