The Collective Hearts (art guided meditation with Gil Dekel)
A few days ago I was speaking to my angel. We had a lovely chat, me and my angel. We were sitting in my room, we had coffee. He told me, "You shall make a workshop; you shall invite people." "And you shall make an experiment - in which we will all draw into our own, what we call, sources of creativity." We will draw inside of us through simple steps that I will guide you; and we will see which gifts lay within; because it's not only the external where we all meet, it is also the internal where we all meet. In front of me was this vast ocean and it disappears into a really bright sky which is all-engulfing. A feast of warmth and colour and... perfume. It was perfect. It was very hot and I love the hot weather. I just turn to the light. I turn around with it at my back, and I feel secure. The ocean is like me, it's really calm, just lapping at my feet. And I just felt peace, you know what I mean? Just like my own little bubble in this world, know what I mean? And I see this landscape in the distance. My daughters; I could feel a real presence but I couldn't see them - on this beach somewhere; on the left and right was just an expanse of this beach. A very powerful wind. And you just enjoy sort of leaning into it. I've been absolutely entranced by the perfume of wild flowers in the spring time. Somebody came with this golden key; that was a key to this lead box to open up this kind of strong inner core and I felt really powerful... - So did you get the key and open the box? - Yes. Would you share? Do you know what's inside? Just a warm, strong self that I need to get to know more. It was just words that came to me. Words like... with a halo around them. It was about finding peace, finding love, finding your shining beauty and acceptance. sparkling, different-coloured orbs. never seen anything like that. This collective identity that's almost God; almost spiritual power. When you're ready, you can close your eyes. And try to see if you can see in front of you a downward-facing staircase. And it's a magical staircase going down, ten steps. Can you see it? Or maybe you can sense it; Go to step number 10. The top step; the step at the top, number 10. Now take another step to number 9 Just allow yourself to relax deeper with every step... 4... Going to step number 3... Step number 2... Imagine there is a door in front of you. A door in front of you... Now go ahead and go to step number 1. Feel comfortable with this door because it is opening itself to you. Don't worry if you don't see anything, just feel... And as the door is opening in front of you, blazing light... expands all around you. There is no more space... That light is above you and below you... to your sides, or even inside of you. And as you take a step further you cross the door and you reach a place... Imagine you reach a place; a place where you're comfortable. It could be a place from a memory, from a picture, from your past life, from childhood, a place you want to be. It is a place where you are happy, where you can feel the true joy of your essence. Now look around you. Just feel the place. See if you can identify any colours, or maybe shapes, senses... It might be texture... or it actually could be an associated feeling to one part of your body. And as you get this sense or image, I want you to hold that image in your memory, and go back through the door. Go up the stairs slowly. And once you're ready, jump to step number 1 and back into our reality. And slowly, you can open your eyes. And slowly, feel yourself in the presence of this room. If you remember the image, feel free to write it down if it's a sense or a memory, feel free to try to paint it; to draw it... Take a few minutes for this... What we will do now, we will go even even deeper; we will go back to the place where you all visited and made some representation of it, and we will see if we can identify something special in that place. ...When you're ready, you can just try to close your eyes again and relax. And now, as we know the place which we visited before, we can go down the stairs quite quickly, opening the door, entering into this vast, safe place which we've been before; but now I would like you to go even further. I would like you to take one step forward and look in front of you. It might be, actually, inside or behind. But have a look around you and find the centre of the place. The magical place - has a center, a core; a fountain from which everything you hold comes from. Try to identify it, this centre. Don't worry if you don't see it, you might just feel it you might have a 'knowing'. You suddenly know a sense... a taste... an image... Go to the core of that centre. Take a deep breath and try to breathe in that feeling, that image; and breathe out. Try to hold that feeling, that image inside your heart. Keep that feeling, that image, the centre of the place inside your heart. And now, I will ask you in a second to go back to reality... When you're comfortable... open your eyes. Remember the feeling and the image. If you forgot, try to look into your heart... What I will ask you now is to take one further, brave step. I will ask you to lift it up... Lift that emotion. Reach your hand to the centre and pull it up. What's inside of your core being? The front, and what's behind it? Ask your heart to take the charge and allow you to feel something. And as you do, feel lifted up as you glide through, as you float through it, you will be given a gift. Try to accept this gift. Try to hold the gift in your hand and slowly unwrap the paper. Tear it off if you like, like a child. Allow it to show itself to you. And as it does... keep it in your hand. And we will be ready to go back. See if there is any image or a feeling. (This video shows only 10 minutes of the total 2 hours workshop)