The BEST Way to Meditate

Heya playas, how often do you silence your mind? From the moment we wake up were bombarded with alarms, text messages, notifications and emails. The noise that surrounds us is constantly on so what I want to know is, what can we do to turn it off? Before I get started, I want to debunk a lot of the pageantry that surrounds meditation. We have this idea that the perfect way to meditate is with your legs crossed, incense burning in the air and some random Indian guy in the background singing Le le ah ah whom di ah uh ah. Now that may fit the classic way to meditate but that's certainly not the only way to do it. Meditation is the practice of being, it's when you allow your mind to be fully present and not focused on what's going on in your head. The common misconception about meditation is that we have to completely clear our minds, we have to concentrate on doing nothing. And that's where I disagree because the whole concept of focusing on something is what's going to keep you truly present. For example as you sit there and meditate, try focusing on your breathing. Feel the way that that air comes into your lungs and then slowly back out. Become fully aware of the sound of silence. Listen to the things you're not hearing like clocks ticking or heaters heating. Heaters gonna heat ya'll. By directly focusing you pull yourself out of this random thought process that could be occurring which might sound something like this. Ok, focus on nothing... Ok... I am focusing on nothing... Seinfeld was a show about nothing. You know Elaine was pretty damn hot, I wonder what she looks like now. Oh man, I am so gonna Google her ass after this. It's only when you pull yourself out of the present that your mind jumps somewhere else. So the key thing to learn here is that as long as you're present, you can meditate anywhere. In between commercial breaks, while you're doing dishes, when you're standing in line at the post office or even when you're packed on a crowded bus. If you wanna meditate successfully, just focus your mind on the present moment. Because I can guarantee that if you do, your body will do a lot less thinking and a lot more feeling. As always guys, love and peace. Thanks for watching the video if you're new to the channel click the subscribe button below, otherwise I want you to participate in this video response challenge. What I want to do is turn on your camera and record yourself for five whole minutes doing absolutely nothing. I mean it guys, focus on the present. Turn off all the other sounds and blocks and all these other things that could be interrupting you for five minutes just record yourself doing nothing. If you want to see me attempt this challenge click this box right here. I tell ya, it's hard to spend five minutes just purely focusing on the present but, I'm confident that you guys can do it to.