~ Meditation ~

Hello, my name is Rameka Chin, and I am a Spiritual Guide and Healer. And this, is more Guidance from me to you, about Meditation. Now what is Meditation? Meditations to me are Dreams traveled within the conscious mind. You see you can meditate with your eyes open, or your eyes closed. And when you meditate, you are still aware and conscious of, and you can still feel, sense and hear, everything that is going on around you. It is your Spirit that is on a Journey. Ok? And it is extremely important for me I would say, that, to meditate for at least 20 minutes every day. You know just as you go to the gym or you exercise each day to train the Physical being and body, just as you study your books or courses or whatever it may be to train your Mind, so you should meditate to train your Spirit with the Physical. That way when you train the Physical the Mental and the Spiritual, you begin to live in balance within this Lifetime. Now there are many many types of different Meditations, there are the Buddhist 'Ohmmm' Meditations, ok, there are the Chakra Clearing Meditations, you have ones like Sacred Breath, connect to your Angels, all sorts of different types of Meditations. For me myself I run Meditation classes and what I do is Guided Meditations. Now the Guided Meditations I do I simply tune in to the Message or the Journey, that is being delivered to me by my Guides and I speak it as I see it. So its like a Movie playing out before me and then I speak that Movie as I see each scene. And just saying that I am a Vessel, ok I am the Channel. It doesn't come from me, it comes from them. My Guides. So they deliver this Journey to me, I speak it, and then everyone enjoys that Journey or goes on that Journey, it is the Gateway to wherever they need to go. Now often, I speak the Journey and people go off on a different Path. And that's fine. That's how it's supposed to be. Because it's about your Journey. So their Guides come in and take them wherever they need to go. And at many times people when they Meditate, they can already see, what is to come before I speak it. And how I explain that to people is that, it's like as I said, a Movie. Or it's like a big Bubble just sitting there and I'm speaking whatever I see in this Bubble. Now for those that are seeing before I speak, the same things, they are also tuned in to that Bubble so it's like we're all tuned in together. We're all in alignment together, which is awesome =) It just shows how deeply connected, each of us are. So, when you Meditate, as I said before, there are many different types of Meditation, you can Meditate with your eyes open or closed, and the one key element, when Meditating, is your Breath. Your Breath is extremely important. See when, we go about our day to day lives you see everybody and they haahaahaa, they breathe from the throat, from the mouth. Ok, they're not truly honouring that Breath of Life blessed upon them. When you Meditate, you go deepest into Meditation when you breathe in through your nose, hmmm, and out through your mouth, ahhhhhhh. The out breath being longer than the innard breath. So, slow breathing, deep breathing, and that is what will take you deeper into your Journey. Breath is extremely important. Now what else? For Mediations it is extremely important when you go to Meditate, or just before you go to Meditate, you draw upon all the Goodness within this Universe. You draw upon the Light and all the Beautifulness that is there on offer to who we are. You draw upon the Light, the Golden Light, the White Light, whatever it may be, you draw upon that from the Heavens above for Spiritual Protection throughout your Journey. As well as that, you call upon the Beauty of the Earth and bring it up into your body, just keeping you Grounded to the Earth so you're connected, not only to the Heavens, but to the Earth as well. And that way it ensures that you are, Grounded, and Protected throughout your Meditation spiritually. You see because, when you open yourself up to Meditation, you're opening yourself up to the Spiritual Realm. Ok, and just like on Earth there is the Light, there is the Dark. There is the Good. And there is the Bad. Ok, so you have to be very aware when you go into Meditation. So many people think that you just go, 'Oh yeah yeah cool. I go to Meditation, I Meditate, turn up, it's done, boom, go home. No, there's a process to everything. Just with that as well, you know, for the Facilitators, it their responsibility for those facilitating Meditation, that they hold the Space, before, during, and after the Meditation, for all those that are there. Now what do I mean by holding the Space? What I mean is, Spiritually, clearing the Energy of the Space, and laying down Protection, for those that will be there throughout the night or throughout the day, whenever you hold your Meditation. Holding that Space, protecting it for all those that will be there. You see, because as I said, there is the Light, there is the Dark, and I have seen first hand, dark energies come through Meditation, attaching themselves to those who are vulnerable and have no clue about what's going on. So it's always extremely important, to understand the processes that you get into. Ok so, when you go to Meditate, close your eyes, breathe, you draw upon the White Light of Protection, you draw upon the Energy of the Earth, and that will hold you, and bind you, to the Heavens, to the Earth, and then you go upon your Journey. Meditation for me, as I said, is important, and it is AWESOME, and no doubt without it, I would not be where I am today. See cos the person that I used to be, compared to the one that I am now, total 360'. And Meditation has truly helped me to change. It has. To deal with issues that I was going through, issues that I went through and issues that I still go through today. We all still go through issues, we will till the day we die. Life is about learning. But Meditation, will help you understand that. And it will give you the tools necessary to deal with everything that you go through. Lessons and Experiences. So, my Brothers and Sisters, get Meditating. It's good for the Soul. It's good for the Spirit. And it's good for your Physical Being. As I said, Meditation helped me change who I am. And I believe, I firmly believe, that it'll help you, change who you are for the Greater Good, of who you are, who you're destined to be, and your beautiful Journey ahead. So Journey well Brothers and Sisters. Open up to the Spirit of Life.For it is there for us all. One Love. And Almighty Blessings. Amen.