Simple Meditation Techniques reath Meditation

If you've practiced all these different types of meditations that I've demonstrated and you feel like you're ready to do something that's a little more traditional, try a breath meditation. Again, we come seated in our easy pose. Feel our sit pose on the floor. Lift the heart so that your spine is elongated, crown of the head floats. What we are going to do is inhale and exhale. As you inhale, fill the belly with air, feel the ribcage fill with air, and feel the heart center expand. Exhale, it all softens. Inhaling and exhaling through the nose. Inhale and exhale. Just inhale and exhale making sure that everything stays easy and relaxed. Don't let tension accumulate in your jaw or in your throat or your shoulders. Keep everything just melting down toward the floor, at the same time as you are staying lifted. Just breathe in and breathe out. Let your thoughts come and let them have their voice and every time when you acknowledge them just let them pass. Observe your thoughts as they go. Just bring the attention back to the breath. If you find yourself thinking about your laundry or your grocery list or the millions of things you have to do today or taking your kid to soccer practice or what kind of shoes you are going to buy at Jimmy Chew, whatever. Just take that as an indication that it's time to bring the focus back to the breath. Try that for one to three minutes. See if you can increase. Maybe up to, eventually after a year or so, 20 minutes a day, 30 minutes a day. See what happens and if this kind of meditation isn't for you, go back and try one of the other techniques until you find what is.