Simple Meditation Techniques inding Effective Meditations
Alright. I hope you've tried a lot of these techniques that I've done on these videos before this. The last thing I have to say about meditation is find what works for you. What is it that brings you into a state where you are completely present. There's got to be something. I know there's something in your life that you do that really just makes you feel kind of peaceful. Find what that is and turn it into a conscious meditation. Anything can be a meditation, if you have the right intent behind it. Driving, you're daily commute, gardening, cleaning the bathroom, dancing around in your underwear. Anything that makes you feel completely present and completely in the moment where you're not thinking about anything else. Or why you just let your thoughts your pass like Repasana, Repasana. When I, I had a baby, just over a year ago and at that time, when I was pregnant, before I was pregnant, I was meditating a lot. I had a very strong meditation practice. I just sat and I breathe and boy, let me tell you something, anybody whose ever had a baby, will know that that just doesn't really happen for you when you've got a newborn in the house. So what I started doing was nursing my baby and meditating. While I would nurse him I would hold him, I would gaze at him and I would just think about what I was doing as a mother, about my bond with him, about how much I love him and I would just inhale and exhale and I would just think about, breathing a little peace and a little love into my baby while I was nursing him. And that worked wonders for me, and it can do a lot for you if you're a new mom as well. It help out post-partum depression. But the point is, anything can be a meditation. Find out what works for you. Happy hunting.