Simple Meditation Techniques hakra Meditation

So the chakras are a powerful tool for meditation. You can use them as sort of an inner visual to focus energy flows in your body. You have seven chakras or energetic points within the body. You have one down at the base of the spine that's red. The red root chakra. Your second chakra is about two inches below your naval and it's orange. They follow the colors of the rainbow. Next, is at the stomach, right around here, the solar plexus and it's yellow. The next chakra, the fourth chakra, is at the heart and it's green. The next chakra is the throat and it's blue. The next chakra is the third eye point and it's indigo. Then, the seventh chakra is the crown chakra. Energy extends out the crown of the head and it's white light. There are some variations on those but that's the way I like to think of it. So I'm going to talk us through a very short chakra meditation. Again, you can do this seated in an easy seated pose. You can do this lying down just flat on your back with the back of your palms on the floor. You can let your legs relax and fall out if a seated pose is uncomfortable for you. So first we are going to take a few easy breaths inhaling and exhaling. We are going to focus on the first chakra, the red root. That nice beautiful rose red extending through the hips in the bottom part of the pelvis down through the legs. Inhale and exhale into that red. On top of that, you've a nice juicy orange resting just below your naval. This is your center. The orange extends, weaves into the red, and moves through the legs, the pelvis, and swirls in your center. On top of that, in your solar plexus we've got your sun. Your center of the south. This is where it rests, it's shining out. Inhale into that chakra and exhale pushing the light out beyond your body, beyond the confines of the room. It blends into the orange and the red, moves down your legs and out through your toes. On top of that we have the heart chakra. It's a vibrant green just like fresh green grass and it's extending, growing outwards through the shoulders. Through the arms and hands. Through the tips of your fingers. Moving through the body, opening the heart, pressing down into the bright yellow, the nice orange, and beautiful rose red. On top of that we have the blue in the throat. This is where you speak your truth. Coming out of the mouth. Blue, green, yellow, orange, red. On top of that, we have the third eye, it's gazing inward. You have to go in to find out, revealing what's inside the mind. Moving down into the blue, the nice calm blue of your peace and your truth. Into the green of your heart. Into the yellow of yourself. Into the orange. Into the red. On top of that, extending through the crown of the head, we have the crown. The white light that reaches toward the sky, strengthening your connection with the ephemeral. As we inhale we extend and as we exhale, we ground. Meditate on those colors for one to three minutes and see how you feel.