Move From 'Paycheck To Paycheck' to Abundance - Lesson 1 - Money Meditation Video Series
From paycheck to paycheck to abundance. That's going to be the topic for this video clip. I'm very happy to do this for you. If you want to take credit for something, and it is the credit for making available a technology to control karma. And even transform it, right from the beginning I have focused on it. Don't get, you know, confused about the concept of karma, it may belong to some religion. No, it doesn't belong to any religion. It is a scientific concept. It's called the law of causality, like Newton's laws. We're talking about reaction. Karma is simply a reaction to something that has already taken place. So, why are many people poor? The answer i t is karma. So, what is karma, then? It's not a metaphysical concept, as I said. The Buddha himself, who never believed in God, who never believed in soul, believed in karma and then, defined karma very beautifully. Karma is only a thought process that you carry on from one birth to another birth. So this paycheck to paycheck is karma that you have continued from many lifetimes. And it is a very stubborn karma and it needs to be changed or transformed. And you can do that. So karma is not a philosophy of fatalism. I don't believe in fatalism at all. Human will is more powerful, even more powerful than God. That's how powerful you are. You can change your life the way you want to change. But then, as Einstein said, "You cannot find the solution to a problem from the same kind of thinking that created it." It's a very important thing. I like that saying. So, in order to change your karma you have to look at different module. That can allow to change your karma, so you can think out of the box. Now you are unable to think out-of-the-box. Because the moment you think about how am I going to make money. When I'm going to make money, where I'm going to make money. All these are very relevant questions. But the answer is not going to come by asking these questions of when, where and how. The answers are going to come from by looking at...again answers for this not from the rational mind, but from another source. I strongly recommend astrology. Particularly, vedic astrology. Because the Western astrology is not sophisticated enough. That's why the Supreme Court of India, although, several high courts overthrew the case, upheld. The Supreme Court upheld that it is a science. You should treat on par with biology or computer science. And give grants to universities and colleges to open departments of Vedic Astrology. So, it's a science. So it can tell you when you will have the money, where you will have it and how you will have it. All these questions will be answered. That's the reason why I started Astroved. And it's my dream that one day I want to create a university for Astrology. There's so much research that needs to be done. The literature available is immense. And they can go on studying it forever. That's how much literature is there. So, I want you to take advantage of this. As a matter of fact, I told my Astroved team to put together a free on-line program. So, that anyone can go and find an answer for this question. But they said that it would take a few months for them to write the program. But I'm going to stay on top of that to do this as early as possible. In the meantime, you need to go and seek help with a live astrologer. And find out. Otherwise, another way to find out is through the Nadi astrology. It's even better because Nadi astrology is of divine origin. So once you know what your potentials are, then, it's easy for you to create. It's a matter of knowing. And that knowingness will give you the strenght, hope, and direction to go about. I'll see you next week.