Sahaja Yoga Why Meditation
Why I meditate? I belive, and I feel that Since I started meditating, everything has changed everything around you changes, not just inwardly but everything around you changes, the people... it's... the best thing that happend in my life makes me relax, feel very calm and you achive inner peace through meditation I've learned to be happy, and to find a meaning to life before, it was like why, why do I have to forgive why do I have to love my neighbour? Why do I have to...? I don't know... I didn't understand the reason why and thanks to meditation, I have found the answers Yeah, it makes you more peaceful I meditate because I feel connected to all the nature I meditate personally because I think I'm someone who thinks about things too much, way too much I would worry about something that worrying about which is really stupid and I can't stop doing it, and when I meditate everything just goes chance to reflect on your personality