Getting Into The Vortex Guided Meditations and User Guide by Esther and Jerry Hicks Expanded Download Edition For the next few minutes letting the music guide you breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Getting into the Vortex. It's been driving Jerry and Esther crazy that they can't just put it in your hand because they have discovered that it seems to do the work. And do you know what its secret is? It plays music that is unusual in canter and asks that you find a breathing pattern that matches it. But because it's unusual in its canter - it's one two three strong breaths in and then five breaths out. Not what you think you do. Often what you do when you sleep but not what you think you do. You think you go - Three long breaths in five shorter breaths out and it requires so much of your attention at first that you can't think about those worrisome thoughts that you've been thinking about. So just focusing upon the music that is played puts you in a place of less resistance and then in the background we are speaking to you everything that the Source within you knows about everything that matters to you. Breathing deeply is the key. Softly hearing our words and allowing gentle alignment with the energy of your Source. Breathe in. Breathe out. It is not necessary that you concentrate and there is nothing that you need remember. Just relax and breathe and enjoy. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. There is great love here for you and as always we remain in the Vortex.