Someone once told me that the most important thing is to figure out the most important thing. I went ahead and tried to figure it out and found that the most important thing for me is to figure out who I really am, beyond my name, beyond my body, beyond my thoughts, beyond my memories… beyond everything that will eventually perish… out of this human body. I tried to find out... what is that one thing that kept stirring the depths of my heart, kept driving my every action through every moment of life? What is that intelligence that regulates my heart beat… my sleep cycle as the sun goes up or down? What is that intelligence at the depth of my being that is the same as the depth of your being, that is the same as the force that keeps the sun and moon in orbit? What is that intelligence that is within you and within me and every known and unknown body… what is that force of life that has been growing and growing and growing in ever increasing complexity from the beginning of time all the way up to today, here, now… when you are somewhere across time and space... and we are reaching out, we are connecting, even if I may have never seen you, never heard your voice, yet somehow over some other reality that is not fully physical, that is not fully 3 dimensional, that is not bound by time or space… we are together... as you are listening to this… my mind is merging with your mind… and we are together giving birth to entirely new possibilities. So what is that other place that we all feel the thirst for in the deepest parts of our heart? What is that other place that is our natural inheritance as the ever evolving intelligence that is you and me… what is that other place where we are finally free… what is that place where you… are me… and we are all One in one Unity… not metaphorically, but very literally… where we are One mind… beyond all duality. What is that place eluded to by the Buddha, by the sages who wrote the upanishads and the vedas… by all the deeper spiritual traditions who knew the secret… What is that place that has now evolved sufficiently and transcended our biological brains and awakening over the global neural network… What is it, where is it? If you keep asking the question… The answer awakens inevitably. And suddenly… beyond the I, me, my problems and my story… there is One Life, where we are always free, where we are all immortals not because we never die... but because there is no one left to die. Its that place I want to be. It is that realisation I want to have firmly embedded in my heart, and in your heart, and in all our hearts because I believe that is our true key to the kingdom, our passport to eternity. Sometimes when I am lonely or bored or anxious, I remind myself… that beyond my conditioned disbelief, there is One Life waiting for me. Whenever I want I can reach out and walk through that door that opens all the way to Infinity. That road, that path, that choice, that decision, that moment where all miracles are real and all dreams come true… is right here now, always, forever, within us, all we have to do is reach out and enter that door and suddenly… we are free. So why can't we remember this at times and get so hopelessly lost that we can't even remember that we ever knew anything at all? Why do we have to die a thousand times before we finally awaken to our own deepest self that does not die, that does not deconstruct, that knows no entropy? Why do we lose sight of that one Truth that is nearer THAN our jugular vein, as the sufis say it, and suffer needlessly? Why do we die? Why do suffer? Why do we forget our common divinity? In my own journeys, I found these are the questions that inevitably lead us to the answers that has the potential to forever transform the way we understand and live our lives, and in that sheer rapture of total transformation… redefine our reality. These are the questions I found that opens the deepest truths within our heart, the deepest longings of our soul… and to find the answers collectively as a race… is our destiny.