Guided Meditation Massage

Hi, I am Xomphi. You are listening guided meditation. Goal of this particular guided meditation is to relax your entire body and to experience massage. You will need quiet place and about 20 minutes of your day. If you have something important to handle, do it now and come back. Let's begin with Finding a quiet place where nobody will disturb you and turn off your phone ringing. Lay down and dont cross hands and legs. Be as fully comfortable as possible. Now, Focus your attention on yourself and this recording. Enjoy every moment of this meditative experience. Now, close your eyes and observe your breathing and let it be natural. Make no effort to change your breathing in any way, simply notice how your body breathes. Let your breathing be slow, deep and full. You are more and more relaxed with every calm inhale and exhale. Continue observe breathing and let it be slower, deeper and full. Now,you will relax whole your body. Focus your attention to your feet. Let your feet be relaxed, relax your feet toes, your ball of the feet and your ankles, relax your legs as best as possible. Relaxation rises to your insteps, next, relaxation is inside your calves and in your knees. Next, relaxation is inside thigh, in your hips and buttocks. Fully feel relaxation in your legs. Let your legs be in deep relaxation. Relax your stomach and area of lower spine. Relaxation is rising to mid section of your back and higher to every muscle in your back. Your neck spine, chest muscles and neck are also relaxed. Feel sensation in your body, sensation of release. Feeling of relaxation rises to your head, let your cheeks be relaxed. Every muscle in your face even your jaw and lips are relaxed. Tongue is laying in your mouth and you feel calm in your eyes. Your mind is completely relaxed. There is only one thing which is important and that thing is relaxation. Now, relaxation is in your shoulders and continue to move to your biceps and to your elbows. Relaxation is also in your forearms, your wrists, palms and in your fingers and thumbs. Your body and mind are completely relaxed. Now, deepen your state of relaxation even more and more by following excercise. In the moment You are going to imagine there is energy moving inside your fingers, UP and DOWN. With Inhale energy goes from top of your finger through your finger to lowest knuckle and with exhale energy goes upwards. Feel the part of the finger, where is the energy. Starting in the moment Breath, breath and focus your attention on your left hand. and feel left little finger feel left ring finger feel left middle finger feel left index finger feel left thumb Now, focus your attention to your right hand. and feel right thumb feel right index finger feel right middle finger feel right ring finger feel right little finger Now it's time to experience powerfull massage. Imagine yourself laying on special massage table. There is special cushion under your head. Your body, head and neck is completely grounded and relaxed, but in the same time anybody can access your body and head from any angle. You are wearing only underwear, laying on back and there is towel on your chest and on your buttocks. Your head is on cushin,You have closed eyes. There is the masseur in the room. You know him, he has your trust, he is the best masseur in the world and NOW he is going to massage you. He knows every part of human body and he has extremely sensitive hands. On this level he is uncoditionaly connected to you and he knows how much pressure he has to use. You are anticipating great experience and relieve residual tension of whole your body. You are ready. Your job is to enjoy whole proccess. Masseur has walked behind your head, rubbing his hands and begin to massage your scalp, every piece of your head where you have hairs. Slightly but deeply rubbing every root hair, rubbing every piece with his palms, fingers and thumbs. Now he is rubbing his hands and he is generating heat in his hands and he is oiling his palms with best coconut oil and he is begining to slightly rub your forehead NOW. Your eyebrows is slightly moving when he is rubbing your forehead by his fingers. Moving to the sides , he is rubbing your temples with more strength now and with each rub slightly taking off power of pressure. Now he is very slightly rubbing your eyebrows with index and middle fingers. He is slightly pinching every hair on your eyebrows with his fingers. Now very very slightly rubbing your eyelids with his index fingers and every muscle above & beyond your eyes. Now He's rubbing your ears, every piece of your ears and your earlobes. Now he is moving his fingers to your cheeks and begin to rub your cheeks. He is slightly rubbing your nose. He is now moving back to your cheeks and next to your jaw and slightly rubbing clockwise muscle in your jaw. Back to cheeks and he's rubbing sensitively your mouth, every muscle around your mouth and your lips. Now he is rubbing your chin and bottom of your head. Every muscle in your face has been touched and any tension has been released. He is moving down to your neck and rubbing your neck from every angle. Every muscle in your neck has been touched and any tension has been released.1 Now he is rubbing his hands again and he is accumulating heat in his hands and1 he is oiling his palms with best coconut oil again.1 He is moving to your left shoulder, rubbing whole top of your left shoulder1 pinching and rubbing long muscle into absolute release.1 Moving hands to your left upperarm and rubbing your biceps and triceps, slightly moving up and down.1 Rubbing your left elbow. Continuing to rub your left hand, rubbing your forearm very deeply1 and releasing every tension.1 Rubbing your wrist by his thumb. ANd Now he is focusing on your left palm and rubbing palm in every possible1 position with oily thumb and fingers, also rubbing your top of the hand and moving to rub your fingers1 on left hand. Rubbing each knuckle1 and now rubbing and pinching your pinkie, and next your ring finger, and your middle finger1 and your index finger and your thumb.1 And again he is rubbing whole your left hand to make it perfect.1 Every muscle in your left arm and hand has been touched and any tension has been released.1 He is moving to your right shoulder, rubbing whole top of your right shoulder1 pinching and rubbing long muscle into absolute release.1 Moving hands to your right upperarm and rubbing your biceps and triceps, slightly moving up and down.1 Rubbing your right elbow. Continuing to rub your right hand, rubbing your right forearm very deeply1 and releasing every tension.1 Rubbing your wrist by his thumb. ANd Now he is focusing on your right palm and rubbing palm in every possible1 position with oily thumb and fingers, also rubbing your top of the hand and moving to rub your fingers1 on right hand. Rubbing each knuckle1 and now rubbing and pinching your pinkie, and next your ring finger, and your middle finger1 and your index finger and your thumb.1 And again he is rubbing whole your right hand to make it perfect.1 Every muscle in your right arm and hand has been touched and any tension has been released.1 Now he is rubbing his hands again and he is accumulating heat in his hands and1 he is oiling his palms with best coconut oil again.1 He is moving to your left foot, rubbing your heel and the arch, rubbing your ball of the feet1 and your instep with oily hands.1 Rubbing your left knee with both hands and rubbing whole your left feet.1 Rubbing slowly and sensitively every toe and even your big toe with his hands and with his palms.1 Moving to your left calf and rubbing whole long muscle in your calf and shin slightly.1 Rubbing your left knee very sensitively. And rubbing your left thigh muscles, rubbing left hip and left buttocks1 with perfect pressure.1 Every muscle in your left leg and foot has been touched and any tension has been released.1 He is moving to your right foot, rubbing your heel and the arch, rubbing your ball of the feet1 and your instep with oily hands.1 Rubbing your right knee with both hands and rubbing whole your right feet.1 Rubbing slowly and sensitively every toe and even your big toe with his hands and with his palms.1 Moving to your right calf and rubbing whole long muscle in your calf and shin slightly.1 Rubbing your right knee very sensitively. And rubbing yourt right thigh muscles and rubbing right hip and right buttocks1 with perfect pressure.1 Every muscle in your right leg and foot has been touched and any tension has been released.1 Now he is rubbing his hands again and he is accumulating heat in his hands and1 he is oiling his palms with best coconut oil again.1 He is rubbing your hips again. Rubbing your belly and rubbing every muscle in your chest.1 Very slowly and when any part of chest echo its self he is rubbing this part AGAIN.1 Every muscle in your front torso has been touched and any tension has been released.1 You've changed your position and you are laying on your belly now.1 Now he is rubbing his hands again and he is accumulating heat in his hands and1 he is oiling his palms with best coconut oil again.1 He is rubbing whole your buttocks again. Rubbing lower part of your back.1 He is rubbing your middle back also.1 Moving in circles and from center to sides by his palms.1 And now he's very enjoying rubbing your upper back and your shoulders1 very deep and releasing.1 Every muscle in your back has been touched and any tension has been released.1 Now he is looking at you very happy, he is smiling satisfied.1 Now he is saying to you, thank you and goodbye, and you saying him also thank you and goodbye.1 Before he vanished he sai ou can return anytime you want, he will be glad to massage you again.1 Now. Exiting Massauer, Experience your planet, feel, touch, smell and experience earth and rocks and oil1 and everything in ground.1 Ants, trees, grass, rocks, bushes, flowers, sand, water.......1 Now, you are begining to return to your body.1 I will count from 1 to 5 and you will be fully awake and full of power.1 1-Energy's returning to your body.1 2-You are realizing where you are, in which position and in which surroundings.1 3-Remembering experience which made real impact on you and has changed you.1 4-you are fresh like you've washed your face in a cool clean water.1 and on next number which is 5 you will be fully awake and full of power.1 1,2,3,4 and 51 eyes opened and stretch, enjoy your life.