Daily Grounding Chakra Cleansing & Protection Spiritual Meditation

Hello Friends Welcome! This is a daily, cleansing and grounding... Along with closing down and protecting ourselves. So we will begin... Please do not operate any dangerous equipment or drive during this meditation. It can make you drowsy. So sit of lay comfortably... and close your eyes... Just take a deep breath in... Invigorating uplifting breath, all the way down into the pit of your stomach... and breathe back out and relax... and just let your whole body relax as you breathe out... Breathe in deeply again... Breathe out and relax... and breathe in again... Breathe out and relax. Just breathe in beautiful ambient colours... Oranges and greens and purple, blue, yellow... Other colours pink... Just breathe all these colours into you spirit... and breathe out and relax... Just let all your daily care and worries start drifting away... in your out breath. Just breathe in these colours again... all the way into the whole of your spirit... and breathe out and relax... Just find yourself becoming peaceful... and you can feel the rise and fall of your chest... as you are breathing in and out... Just take normal breaths now in and out... Becoming calm and peaceful on your own breath and relaxing. Breathing in and feeling uplifted... Breathing out and relaxing... Just letting go of your tension and worries... Now we are going to form roots to the earth from your feet... See growing through the floor of your building, it does not matter how tall it is... Down to the earth... and these root going deep down into the earth... Now we let all our daily cares, all our worries, all out negative feelings... Begin to flow from our mind... from our body, down these roots... all the way down these roots into the earth. Just breathe normally, and relax... and you in breaths are peaceful and your out breaths are peaceful... Let all your negativities run down these roots... Deep into the earth where they will be cleansed and replenished and renewed... Now see positive brown and terracotta colours... coming up form the earth through these roots... Up into your spirit and mind and body... and you still keep letting your negative energies drain down these roots... and let the positive energies come back up from the mother earth... To replenish you and invigorate you. Just relax... Now we keep the chakra system closed within the spirit... But we are going to let the spirit and the chakra system cleanse... and it will cleanse down these roots. So we see the crown chakra above the top of the head in the aura... which is Violet... It does not open, it remains in its normal state... Partially closed... and we see this chakra, all its negative energies, draining down through our spirit... Any darknesses or depletion within it... Draining away down these roots into the mother earth... And breathe in, and breathe out and relax... Now we see the brow chakra inside the mind, which is indigo or purple... The third eye chakra... Begin the cleanse, and remain in its normal state... and allow its negative energies of darknesses... to drain down through our bodies, through our spirits... down through these roots into the earth... and the terracotta and brown energies are still rising up into us... harmonising our spirit, harmonising our mind... Now we see the throat chakra which is blue, in the voice box... and we see any negative energies, darknesses or depletions... drain away so that it might be cleansed... all the way down through our spirit body... down these roots into the earth. Now we see the heart chakra which is green in the middle of the chest, inside the body... It is a beautiful green.... we see any depletions in it, any blockages... any darknesses beginning to flow down through our spirit from it... down our legs, down the roots, into the mother earth... setting us emotionally free... Now we see the solar plexus... just below below the rib cage above the navel inside the body... which is yellow... Cleansing... and all the negative energies... depletions or darknesses... draining away down our legs... down through these roots into the earth... This is grounding and balancing and cleansing ourselves. Now we see a sacral spleen chakra... below out navel, above our pelvis... inside the body, which is Orange... Cleansing and balancing... letting and darknesses or impurities, flow down the roots... into the mother earth... Now we see the base chakra in our pelvis... level with the bottom of our spine, which is Red... The base or root chakra... Beginning to cleanse and balance... and let negative energies... flow down through your legs, down the roots into the mother earth... Now these roots go deeper within the earth... and begin to spread and connect with crystals that are in the earth... all kinds of different crystals we make a connection too... we let their vibration come up through these roots... into the whole of our spirit... Different crystals will help different chakras... To balance them and harmonise them... to the same frequency as these crystals... We feel vibrant energies rising up through these roots, up thought our feet and legs... up into the trunk of our body... down our arms, up our neck and into our mind... and flowing out through into our aura... These beautiful energies... to cleanse and balance the spirit... to harmonize the aura... and to brighten the aura and make it clear... beautiful energies. Now begin to allow these energies... to just flow naturally back down the roots... that we have taken form the earth... and our spirit is invigorated and uplifted... Just breathe in, and breathe out and relax. Now we draw the roots back out of the earth... Back up into our feet. We feel a sense of peace and tranquillity...1 a sense of serenity in our mind...1 Peaceful and quite.1 Now we are going to invoke the light and shield of protection...1 To keep any negative emanations of spirit...1 or of anything upon this world...1 another person being negative to us...1 or from any sort of spiritual or psychic influences of attack...1 If we emphatic to block out, the feelings and emotions of others.1 Just take a deep breathe in...1 and breathe out and really let go and relax and find yourself peaceful...1 Now we see a bright light coming down from above...1 from the spirit realm or from the universe...1 and this light, comes down into our crown chakra above our head...1 and it flows down each of the chakra...1 The mind chakra...1 The throat chakra...1 The heart chakra...1 The solar plexus chakra...1 The sacral chakra...1 and the base root chakra...1 and this light flows down to our feet...1 and begins to fill us up from our feet...1 Coming up through our legs...1 up through our torso...1 flowing down our arms to our fingers...1 Coming up through out neck into our head and mind...1 Dispersing darkness and bringing light...1 and it flows out, out through the crown chakra above the head...1 Out into our aura...1 and it begins to expand, out beyond the aura...1 Three or four feet above the head and below our feet...1 and it forms a bubble of protection...1 Which is a shield of light...1 that surrounds us to keep all negativity out of our awareness...1 and to defend us...1 and to drive away negative emanations or darkness.1 Just breathe in, and breath out and relax...1 Just let go.1 Now at night time before we go to bed...1 To have a peaceful nights sleep for those who feel they may be disturbed...1 or picking up emanations from others here on this world or the spirit realm...1 We are going to do, an extra protection...1 So before you go to bed...1 you can put this shield of light around yourself...1 or during the day time at any time if you need it...1 you can put the shield of light around yourself...1 To protect from others here on the earth plane...1 who are not feeling well, or being negative...1 or spiritual influences...1 and it is always good to put this light of protection around yourself...1 when you do any spiritual work or meditation.1 But when we go to be at night...1 we can see our bed surrounded by a gigantic egg with a doorway...1 and this is to keep out any negativity...1 So when we go to bed, we open the door of the egg...1 and it is completely breathable...1 air flows quite naturally into it...1 But it keep all negative emanations out...1 So we open the door...1 walk inside the door, and we close it behind us...1 we get into our bed, and we are safe and protected within this egg.1 Now we just visualise ourselves in bed...1 and for further protection...1 we are going to put on a cape or a clock, with a hood...1 This is spiritual...1 So you can imagine yourself putting it on...1 and this cape, or this clock...1 Is spiritual and it is breathable and incredibly light and thin...1 But it is light a mirror, it reflects...1 So the surface of it, this material, looks exactly like a mirror...1 Which will reflect all negativity away from our spirit and mind...1 So we put on this mirror cape which is silver...1 or you may choose another colour...1 Do not choose black or greys or muddy colours...1 Choose a vibrant colour that you like...1 It might be green, so it is a green mirror cloak...1 or a purple mirror cloak...1 or blue, yellow, orange...1 a colour that you like...1 It could be not preferable red, but pink...1 So a colour you are happy with...1 You put on this mirror cloak...1 and you have the hood, over your head for additional protection...1 you will not notice it, that you are wearing it, because it is very light...1 and the mirror upon the cloak...1 reflects all negative emanations away from yourself...1 So that you may have a peaceful, and restful nights sleep...1 without being disturbed in anyway.1 So you have a shield of light around you, of bright white light...1 That can sheild any negativities...1 Your are inside the egg which will protect from negativities...1 and keep negativity at bay...1 and you have the cloak, the mirror cloak...1 to also reflect any negative emanations...1 This is ultimate protection...1 and as you are going to sleep, just consciously, switch your spirit off...1 If you do not wish to be in a more active mode...1 Which it often is during sleep.1 We can just see the spirit like...1 All the different chakras like little lights within us...1 and they never fully close...1 But we can see the chakras switching off like light bulbs...1 So we see the one above our head the crown chakra...1 and we just switch off a switch within us...1 to turn it off to a very low state...1 Just like turning off light switch...1 and the brow chakra inside the mind purple, indigo...1 we see a light switch within us and we turn the light switch off...1 and we turn this chakra off...1 to be unperceptive within our sleep...1 and we see the throats chakra, again the light switch turning it off...1 and the heart chakra green, we see the light switch turning it off...1 and we see the solar plexus chakra yellow, below the rib cage...1 we see the light switch turning it off...1 We see the sacal spleen chakra, below the navel inside...1 orange like the light switch turning off...1 We see the root chakra red, at the base of our spine like the light switch turning off.1 We see our spirit as a being of light...1 Slowly becoming dimmer...1 and our aura slowly becoming dimmer for the night...1 And when we wake up, it will automatically re-initiate to its normal state.1 But if you feel in a threatened situation...1 or an uncomfortable situation...1 During the day time, you can always put the bubble of light around yourself...1 Or even the cloak, the mirror cloak...1 To shield yourself from those negative emanations.1 We just breathe in deeply, and we relax...1 We allow our spirit to harmonise...1 From above our head, we sweep the aura...1 You can put your hands above your head it you want to...1 or just imagine it...1 Sweeping the aura...1 Cleansing it and smoothing the aura...1 to balance and harmonise it.1 Thank you Friends...1 I hope you enjoyed this meditation.1 Love and Light Shep! (Subtitles by NC)