Chakra Meditation Chakra Activation Spiritual Awakening Chakras Explained
you Chakra Meditation Chakra Activation Spiritual Awakening Chakras Explained home listening hmm only the spark divine consciousness the I'm star creation room state spinning at listen to you spinning into being spinning into time the spinning into wheels in lines from the great spiral galaxies house in zip line two years ago crimes to the trillions him swirling in a grain of sand the universe is made from spinning beals energy the spinning reels have started skirt giving birth the lines wheels on wheels spinning through space the solidifying into formal rotating axis the orbiting the Sun the revolving in evolving three times the one in the men's giving very 29 with a single white our shining blue planet spin since peace Ste a planet may differ in Washington and fire planet of sound and light teen beauty in the consciousness apply intricate where move in with exquisite balance this blessed her which is our home is the great we on from which our lives horizons on are general behind mines condensing the manifestation the new one in the mother sky the northern the %uh way between the 7 players and managers stations rainbow remains connecting earned him the new standing stones the connecting through our bodies as we connect to each other into the endless WebDAV lines that is seeking the to be campaigns %uh mind along this image system I'll seven chakras crime stick around General Meeting patterns people are you're spinning comes from the intersection to basic barings one from a bad as these currents passed between a chance centers Stanley peers take us on a journey through life on together the seven jeans this crime your home this temperament transformations on location in the Japanese in the body gives meaning their respective levels and consciousness between the Explorers weekend each shock beginning before peddled Red Lotus located to be super spy on first chakra represents the material room p and remind gravity injured the floors which binds energy into morn in creates intensity that we experience as the physical world battalion and eastern and this chakra represents the survival instincts manner primal connection to be urs matrix line it is believed that the serpentine energy and the goddess kind in the nation d lies called three and one-half times around the base chakra holding matter together grams kinda many journeys spine piercing an awakening each chapter in turn well seeking her divine partner she emailed who died in pure awareness the world the name in this chakra mother-daughter means rude support to have the proper foundation long journey I'm bored one needs route fifty near I'll it is here that you can build to the peace I'll stones and solidity it is found in the natural world meditate here with your roots in the yard honoring the temple you're buying the the more or a me law mother-daughter now remains a weekend at the base of the spine as we open to the six paneled Barnes Lotus the second chapter called studies done meaning once known claims mold him home this chapter is related to the element watch in represents the dual nature existence constant and and phloem polarity the opposites attracting moving loans toward each other the prime along to manage to get on ok here we tap into time mine course chillin polled by Nick parents pinning this so urged buyer stand aside chuck mean the serpent divides in humans creating here chairman yeah exist spinning and ultimate down in the body chapter 10 minutes from the city somehow as seemed ish decide us Jan stack time us yes that satisfied we move from the waters have the second shock into the third chakra woke aided in the solar plexus the yellow Lotus have money problems which means lustrous chant then that the for to buy 25 here the time span consciousness nights buyers well to burn through resistance and died July team time system pulsating flames G this to awaken power1 to burn1 to strengthen1 keep that the plane ride1 to violence trials and tribulations as we burn1 three1 contemporary free and1 master fire burn itself out1 power1 to beat1 diligent practice the United the energies1 in hand1 no small task is from follow the chaotic1 and fiery serpent1 and1 to bring1 tonight down1 and blossom porn1 with power1 this fire carries1 Angeles as we burn through the EGoM1 in dissolved into the last race June1 it is the truth sources power in money1 I'm1 the meeting the third chakra ignited1 we rise again to the heart to find a green Lotus1 12 petals called another hot and1 meaning and struck are on her she the element of this chakra is1 air has three riser been to the softness1 and spaciousness up the sky am1 now the Kundalini serbian carries a sharp words and meanings are love1 to embrace the waking Ned Devine Spears1 which bids the hard to the fly free1 expanding into the element air with each breath we take1 we saw returns the imminent1 becoming lying spacious within do1 dancing playing Hollywood another we can't even use to you1 nation shame1 as we transcend ego the1 and journey with avenues engine1 the1 uniting have an intern1 had balance1 diet is a song do1 tenure1 d1 place in compassion and connections1 01 the1 when we came heartbeats with minimal I1 home she needs love1 through I relations self and I'm1 culture and land human1 did I1 the1 bad1 as we open our own hearts the tune in to the global home1 now donning frontiers social1 %uh1 the1 on1 be them1 the balance and harmony1 we now move into the blue lotus 16 p.m.1 located through1 she'd done1 which means purification then1 on when who1 law1 good1 good you1 in you fairground through champion1 kundalini awakening use the cooler vibrations with me1 has said1 carried on1 opens on expression to the music and systems1 missing1 to the1 voice within K1 said1 to the song1 facing honey1 Co1 loool1 I'm from the primordial1 nation ripples through on creation1 expressing harmonizing1 synchronizing1 opening1 plans to seeing choose into the car and supply1 you1 and me inside how myself1 expression love1 sin reducing vibration1 taking a steep room1 T1 to the truth we hold1 in the truth1 fine with them1 into my dreams1 sad1 to language1 communication1 in expressions cream team1 and1 the1 transferring news1 much and1 tree through time1 the non1 when1 as through shock by Pretz within through it1 we move that to the brown chair below to serve only to1 pedal Scott actions which means to come see1 and to command on1 on of1 are1 kundalini is now glowing serpent light1 I'm oiling Debs1 premeditation1 to open japanese sex the third1 hi Center vision1 in signs1 and commitments from lines1 01 the two petals and best chakram1 bring resolution up to reality to the single pointed1 for peace do1 I1 of1 this is the checker taxi my imagination1 lose leone's the radiant1 might with being focus your contribution1 mission to use time MC1 to seek vision be to bask in the attorney1 in ok Israel1 reasons peers through USI1 completely1 well1 burning I1 to your1 in Hans1 as the third eye opens between two physical1 this we and 250 meditation1 it reveals the night yeah1 keep your game steady among many1 fine the fortune to be missed reasons1 this day I'm from1 Allegan passions and minds1 home abuse patterns to discover1 she keychains the1 seek your guidance vision within2 hi2 stones2 year2 home2 world2 do2 the2 and once we have seen the panel2 Kundalini sir2 finds her way Street this time2 two piercings2 house2 on2 only complete from base to crown on2 the seventh chapter can now blast formed2 as the thousand cover2 times2 emanating2 engines point consciousness rhythm2 yumm2 engines way2 plans2 touch2 did2 I'm2 demands the nature2 Hutchins2 I'm2 still your mind2 to be on2 pens2 news2 beyond homes2 minasian2 is kinda need me to do2 cans she2 sheen2 who gives birth to stop2 yes2 txt me I'm2 us2 to journey to the heart and gas2 in2 you2 to the intelligence creation itself2 around divine2 the universe2 consciousness do2 this style home2 low2 law2 I'm2 can now returning back down2 true each chakra once again current manifestations2 knowing that we have a weekend 2010 Lotus2 cost-conscious2 seen cutie ft in your room2 the2 there2 have open2 through its in some2 we have joined together in2 thrilling fashion into my2 the2 low I'm2 danced in waters have to reality2 found2 way I'm to her2 I2 for all2 terrorism within star2 week2 hard2 night2 least cream2 engines2 time2 too many2 we marines2 between2 this2 home