1985-0206 Meditation with Shri Mataji (Subtitles)
May God bless you. Let us all meditate now. There is no need for tying up your kundalinis, there is no need to give yourself bandhan. There's no need at all to do anything, if you just come up to that stage just now. There's no need to raise your hands and tying up your kundalini, not necessary. Nothing is to be done. Your kundalinis are already tied up. Assume, assume that situation, that's all. That's what you are, the viras, and not the stupid. May God bless you all. May God bless you. Respect yourself, respect. May God bless you all. There's nothing, nothing more important to Me than to see you rise to that level of understanding of your own values and worth, and discretion. You have to become sweet, nice people but very, very powerful, that you can control yourself, your tongues and your things; your control, complete control of yourself. May God bless you again. Please meditate. Close your eyes, close your eyes. Just close your eyes, put your both the hands towards Me. Put your attention onto Sahasrara, just your attention onto Sahasrara. You are in My Sahasrara, all of you, just now. Put your attention to your Sahasrara. There's no thought, nothing. Just put your attention to it, and just rise up to that point. There's no drama about it, there's nothing artificial it's actualization. All weaknesses are to be left behind. Let's be strong people of strong values. With dignity and sobriety.... Silence, absolute inner silence, and one need not talk too much. Too much to jabber, to talk frivolously is not your way. Feel it in your heart, your own dignity, your own glory, the serenity of behavior. You are all saints, but saints of very high quality, of very high quality, not ordinary type.1 Put your attention to your Sahasrara.1 Any thought coming, say, "Not this, not this, not this."1 May God bless you.