Yoga Meditation oga Meditatio ead to Toe

So continue lying in your corpse position, lying on your back just relax with your eyes closed, your head tilted back. And you’re just going to relax from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Just taking a deep breath inhale and exhale. Relaxing from the top of your head down to your forehead, your brow line, your temples and your sinuses, your jaw line to the neck, to the collar bone. Take a deep breath inhale and exhale. Continue down the collar bone to your pectoralis muscles, down your shoulders, the front of your arms, and your biceps, back of the arms and the triceps. Down your elbows, forearms to your wrists, muscles in your heels of your hands, palms, back of your hands, between the fingers to release some tension out through your fingertips. Again deep breath in, with the top of the head all the way to the collar bone, through your pectoralis muslces, upper, inner , outer, lower chest, down your sternum to your core. Your rectos abdominus in the center, internal, external obliques wrapping around and attaching in your back. Through the transverse the muscle that lies underneath that. Singing a deep breath in feeling your belly rise, exhale feel it caving in. Continue relaxing down in the pelvic floor, through your hip flexors, along the top two lengths on your quads, your knees, your shins, your ankles, tops of the feet, between the toes, relaxing at the tips of your toes. Deep breath inhale from the top of the head now through the rear plane. Releasing relaxing the muscles in your head, along the base of the skull and muscles all along the back and sides of the neck called the traps. Again continuing down the back and your lats, on your rhomboids between your shoulder blades, down the erector spinae the muscle aligning the spine to your lower back. And taking a deep breath in your lower back, and relax and feel it sink into the floor to relax your gluteus muscles all three and continuing on to your hamstrings in the back of your legs behind the knees along both calf muscles, your Achilles tendon along your heels, the arches of your feet, the balls of your feet, between the toes and relaxing all the tension out the tips of your toes. Taking a few more deep breaths in from the top of your head and exhale just feeling heavy into the floor releasing all the tension out with your breath and through your fingers and toes... Take one more deep breath in and exhale release relax.