Simple Meditation Techniques onfusing Meditation With Other Practices
There are many popular misconceptions about meditation. Commonly, people have that image of the monks meditating in the lotus position and they're sitting like this and there's chanting, ohhmm, or some sort of similar thing where it's transcendental meditation, the one we are supposed to leave your body behind and it's all kinds of stuff that a lot of in the West really aren't that comfortable with. Well, that's not the only way to meditate. That is what the Buddhist calls Samadhi and or it's a one-pointed meditation, one-pointed meditation. In those forms of meditation, you generally focus on the breath, just the inhale and the exhale of the breath and it's just the one thing. Sometimes you might focus on other sound, like the sound of ohmm, being chanted. This kind of meditation that shredding out of the entire outside world and just focusing on the breath or on the ohmm or whatever, is extremely difficult for people in the West who have never practiced meditation before. That's why in the following videos we're going to talk a little about some things that can bring you into a meditative state without forcing you to just do that thing where you sit, just try to focus on the one thing which never really works in the beginning and it seems to turn people off about meditation, that's what we're trying to avoid. So, get ready to do some meditation that actually works.