Simple Meditation Techniques nsight Meditation
There's another method of practicing meditation, that is not the one-pointed kind where you're trying to block everything out and focus on one thing. And this other kind of meditation is called Repasana or insight meditation. What happens in this kind of meditation is you allow your thoughts to come through your mind, you let them have their voice, you acknowledge them in sort of observatory or non-judgmental ways. Like you're standing outside yourself and you're just watching all these thoughts move by in your mind one at a time. So as you sit outside yourself and in an observatory capacity and you don't judge yourself and you don't judge your thoughts, you sort of begin to see patterns emerge. Thought patterns or things that come up over and over again. This can be a very effective form of meditation if you have a problem that you're meditating on, a situation in your life that you're trying to figure out what to do with. Or, if you feel like you're stuck in a certain cycle or circle and you can't break it, this sort of observing your thoughts as they pass by in a non-judgmental way can be extremely effective for dealing with those sorts of situations. And when you step back from yourself in that way, you'll find that you're standing in a quieter place. Your mind is moving, your thoughts are moving. But if you're just a step removed, then, you can observe them instead of being caught up in anxiety about them or being confused in the jumble of them. So this kind of meditation, this insight meditation is a kind that we're going to use in our approaches today. So every technique that I demonstrate is going to be beneficial for that type of meditation.