Simple Meditation Techniques antra Meditation

A Mantra is a sound or phrase that you repeat, over and over and over again. Aloud. O.k. You can put in, if you have a CD or something like that. Of some kind of Mantras or meditation music or something like that. You can use that. But I personally like to chant alone. Some people are uncomfortable with chanting out loud, by themselves. I like to chant alone. You can use, whatever word or phrase you like. If you want to chant, anti trust establishmentarism, you can do that. O.k. Anything that has meaning for you. Om is a very simple Mantra. You can also chant in, out for inhaling and exhaling of your breath. Or inhale, exhale. Anything that has meaning for you. If you are meditating on what to do, about the fight you're having with your husband. And if you're trying to calm your mind in center. Or something like that. You can chant peace, peace. You can chant Om Shanti. Which is the Sanskrit. Shanti means peace. Any word or phrase that has meaning and that resonates with you. So right now, I am going to chant Om Mane Padme Hum. Which is hail to the jewel in the lotus. Roughly translated. Which would mean that the Buddha, the Buddha is the, is the jewel in the lotus. When the lotus, opens up. So I'm going to sit here, in my easy seated pose. My sits bones on the floor or on a blocker of blanket. I'm sitting on my fuzzy foe sheep skin. Because it's comfortable for me. I'm going to let the crown of my head rise. My shoulder blades just melt down on either side of the spine. No tension in my face or my jaw or my throat. Everything is just resting on my structure. I'm just sitting with as little effort as possible. I'm going to take a breath, all the way down to the bottom of my belly. In through my nose and I'm going to chant. And it sounds like this. Om Mane Padme Hum. All the way to the end of my breath, I want to force every last bit of air. Out from the bottom of my belly and all the way out. Before I take another breath. Om Mane Padme Hum. My eyes are closed and I'm gazing inward to my third eye point. You don't have to close your eyes. If you don't want to. And a variation on this, is to lie down. Just lying flat on your back, chanting that way. So you try it. Find a word or a phrase that resonates with you. That resonates for this issue, in this meditation. And just chant for one to three minutes. And see where it takes you.