Money Theories VS Practice - Lesson 2 - Money Meditation Video Series

Theory versus Practice. Throughout the money seminar series for several weeks, I'm going to be emphasizing on practice versus theory. I'll give you an example. Many years ago, ten or twelve years ago, I gave Dr. Wayne Dyer, the Ah meditation. And also gave him a theory, which he both acknowledge in his book and also the CD that he produced. The book that he dedicated to me is called "Manifest your Destiny." The theory I gave him is, "you cannot manifest that which you cannot conceptualize." So, that's the theory. The practice is the Ah meditation. It's a very valid theory. First of all, in order to manifest something, you have to conceptualize it. In other words, you have to become pregnant in order to deliver. If you are not able to conceptualize, say, twenty thousand dollars a month, then, you will never be able to make the $20,000. So how do you conceptualize when there is resistance to it, skepticism because given your skills, there is no way you are going to be able to conceive of $20,000 because you are now just making only $5,000. Now the practice that I gave him, the Ah meditation, does exactly the job of conceptualization. The sound Ah is the sound of creation. So, it gives you the ability to create. That's why it's easier to stick on to practice and spend a lot of time over that, rather than just getting confused by reading thousands of books. And thousands of seminars. And all these things are only about theories. And gives some practice and the practice, of course, has to do with getting some skill sets and knowing the market and then, stopping the negative mind and becoming positive. These are all some advice you get in book after book you get this advice. But nothing has changed. It's because you have not fundamentally changed your conceptual mind. The conceptual mind has to be changed. The Ah meditation is very useful. Because it goes and addresses the core issue of strengthening your conceptual mind or creating a conceptual mind. And I have produced a lot of videos on that. And those of you are familiar with it. You can do the practice and if you are not familiar with my Ah meditation, you can go to many YouTube's I've produced. They are available on Dattatreya Siva Baba channel. That's a very powerful meditation. If I had to give a talk on Ah, I have material for at least 7 hours on the top of my head. How it goes and changes your consciousness. So, I recommend you practice the technique because practice is more important than theory.