"Big Mind" Mindfulness Meditation by Joseph Goldstein

This morning we are going to do a guided meditation affectionately known as the “Big Mind” meditation. So sit in a comfortable but reasonably straight posture. We begin by opening to sounds. I may occasionally ring the bell since it’s so quiet -- just to give you a sound to pay attention to. First, just open to sound -- the sound of my voice -- the occasional distinct sounds that may arise, and even the sound of silence. Staying soft, relaxed, receptive… not looking for anything… simply being open to the sounds that appear. Let the mind be at ease, relaxed... open to whatever arises in the realm of sound. Notice how effortlessly each sound is known in the moment that it appears. The noticing is not anticipating. It's not lagging. Let the mind become like a big sky, empty sky, empty space. Different sounds are appearing, changing, vanishing in the open space of the mind. Mind is open, receptive... aware of the sound of my voice, the other sounds that may appear, the sound of silence. It’s not looking for sound; rather it’s simply opening to them. Mind is like open space. Sounds appear and disappear in the open emptiness of mind. And open to the different sensations that arise and appear. Sensations are points of feeling, like stars in the night sky. There’s no solid body. There’s no head, or shoulders, or back, or knees. Only points of sensation, points of feeling. Appearing and disappear in the open emptiness of mind. There’s no inside, no outside, no boundaries or separation. Only sounds, sensations appearing and disappearing in the open space of mind. There’s no solid body, no head or shoulders,1 no back or chest, no arms or legs. Only particular points sensation, points of feeling, like1 stars in the night sky appearing and changing in the open empty space of mind.1 Notice how effortlessly each sound is known the moment it appears. Notice how effortlessly1 each sensation is known in the moment it appears. Be aware of thoughts and images like clouds1 in the sky, appearing and disappearing in the open empty space of mind.1 There’s no inside, no outside, no boundaries or separation, just sounds, sensations, thoughts,1 and images, appearing and dissolving in the open emptiness of mind.1 Not wanting, not looking. Simply resting in the empty, aware space of mind -- as sounds1 appear, sensations appear as points of feeling. Thoughts and images appear. Rest at ease the1 weary mind. There’s no solid body, no head, no shoulders,1 no back or chest, no arms or hands or legs or feet, only points of sensation, points1 of feeling like stars in the night sky, appearing and changing in the open empty space of mind.2 No wanting, no doing. All experience appears and changes and disappears by itself.2 Experienced directly your own mind. It's invisible, clear, without color, without form. Directly2 experience your own mind -- empty, open. It is, but it doesn't exist. Experience directly2 your own mind. It knows all things, but is not composed of them. Unformed, unborn. Directly2 experience your own mind. Experience directly your own mind. It can't2 be seen, can't be touched, no color, no form, empty like space. It knows all appearances,2 but is not composed of them. Looking for it, there is nothing to find. And yet it knows2 all things. Experience directly your own mind. There is no inside, no outside, no boundaries2 or separation. Only sounds, sensations, thoughts and images, hearing and changing in the open2 emptiness of mind. There is no solid body, no head or shoulders,3 back or chest, arms or legs. Only points of sensation, points of feeling, like stars in3 the night sky, appearing and changing in the open emptiness of mind.3 Experience directly your own mind. Look for it. There's nothing to find. Open, empty,3 without color, without form. It is, but it doesn't exist. Directly experience your own3 mind. It knows all things, but isn't composed of them. Unformed, unborn.3 Experience directly your own mind. The cognizing power of emptiness.3 There is no inside or outside, no boundaries, no separation. Sounds, sensations, thoughts3 and images -- known immediately in the moment they appear.3 Sounds appear, sensations appear, thoughts and images appear in the open emptiness of3 mind. There is nothing to do, nothing to be, nothing to have.4 Sounds are known. Known by what? Experience directly the nature of mind. Empty, open.4 No color, no form. The cognizing power of emptiness.4 No inside, no outside, no boundaries, no separation. Just sounds, sensations, thoughts and images,4 appearing and changing in the empty open space of mind.4 If you found this helpful at all, then play with this during the day or in other sittings,4 and also in walking or moving about, and simply including the visual field as another appearance4 of mind. It’s just like sound, a sensation. Sites are being known, color and form are4 been known. If you didn't find it helpful, forget about it. Do you have any questions?