Now, I'm going to show you the internal part of Martial Arts. Many of you guys might know, in Martial Arts in order for it to express to the highest level of art, one must be calm and peace with the mind and the body. So in order to practice the calmness and the peacefulness in the mind and the body, we start off from meditation. And of course there's many ways one can meditate. We can meditate standing up, sitting down or walking, sleeping. Okay, I'm going to show you Standing Up Meditation. Open your legs shoulder width. Okay. Close your eyes about eighty percent. Close your mouth. You want to inhale, exhale through your nose. Okay. For males, you want to put right hand on top of our left hand. For female, they do that complete opposite. Okay. Since I'm male, I'm going to put my right hand on my left hand. Okay. Head straight. Close your eyes eighty percent. Close your mouth fully. Inhale, exhale through your nose. Inhale and exhale counts as one breath. And you do this as long as you want, okay.
Meditative Exercises of Shaolin Martial Arts tanding Buddhist Meditation
Now, I'm going to show you the internal part of Martial Arts. Many of you guys might know, in Martial Arts in order for it to express to the highest level of art, one must be calm and peace with the mind and the body. So in order to practice the calmness and the peacefulness in the mind and the body, we start off from meditation. And of course there's many ways one can meditate. We can meditate standing up, sitting down or walking, sleeping. Okay, I'm going to show you Standing Up Meditation. Open your legs shoulder width. Okay. Close your eyes about eighty percent. Close your mouth. You want to inhale, exhale through your nose. Okay. For males, you want to put right hand on top of our left hand. For female, they do that complete opposite. Okay. Since I'm male, I'm going to put my right hand on my left hand. Okay. Head straight. Close your eyes eighty percent. Close your mouth fully. Inhale, exhale through your nose. Inhale and exhale counts as one breath. And you do this as long as you want, okay.