Life in the modern world can be complex, busy and stressful. And for many people, the opportunity to 'get away from it all', is limited. But is it possible to find peace and happiness in the middle of all this modern lifestyle? Nowadays more and more people look to meditation as a means... to help them in their day-to-day lives. In this programme, firstly a number of meditators will be telling us... why they meditate and how it benefits them. Then we'll be listening in on a meditation class... and learning the basics of the 'mindfulness of breathing' meditation practice. We'll find out how best to prepare for a meditation session... and how to sit most comfortably while doing so. And to conclude the programme we'll be led through... a complete practice for 20 minutes.
Meditation for Everyone clip
Life in the modern world can be complex, busy and stressful. And for many people, the opportunity to 'get away from it all', is limited. But is it possible to find peace and happiness in the middle of all this modern lifestyle? Nowadays more and more people look to meditation as a means... to help them in their day-to-day lives. In this programme, firstly a number of meditators will be telling us... why they meditate and how it benefits them. Then we'll be listening in on a meditation class... and learning the basics of the 'mindfulness of breathing' meditation practice. We'll find out how best to prepare for a meditation session... and how to sit most comfortably while doing so. And to conclude the programme we'll be led through... a complete practice for 20 minutes.