Karma Yoga - A Guided Mindfulness Meditation Technique

Welcome to the dreaming son. Today I am going to share with you an ancient spiritual technique called karma yoga. If you have ever been to an ashram or seen movies like eat pray love then you will probably be familiar with this technique even though you may not of understood it. Karma means to take actions and yoga means to merge with the supreme consciousness. Therefore karma yoga is a spiritual practice where you take certain actions that are designed to merge your individual consciousness with the divine. The key to making this happen is focussing your attention 100% in the present on the simple physical activity that you choose as your karma yogic action. To understand why a spiritual practice such as karma yoga is required to bring your attention into the present we first have to look at the normal state of consciousness. Most people are locked into patterns from the past. During our early upbringing we are impressed with all of the beliefs and ideas that later become the patterns we repeat throughout life. To survive our upbringing we also had to bury certain emotions in our psyche because if we expressed them then those expressions may have got negative reactions from those around us. To our child like mind these expressions would have threatened our survival. When we enter adulthood we still contain all of this unresolved material within our psyche. The way we keep this material buried in our psyche is by becoming egocentric. This is characterized by thinking about me, myself and I. The mind does this because if the mind puts its focus on something outside of itself then the lid its taken off all the buried sub conscious material. This material then rises to consciousness to be integrated so you can become a fully conscious human being. Because you experience the same emotions when this unresolved material comes back into consciousness as you did when it was first got buried into the unconscious then there is always a pull by the mind to stop it arising. The fastest way to put the lid back onto the rising material that wants to be integrated is to take attention off the outside world and enter the internal realm of thoughts, feelings and imagination. This is why it is so hard to be present in everyday life because being in the present means you have your attention outside of yourself. Therefore the lid is off all of the unprocessed negative subconscious material which means you are going to be re experiencing certain emotions and feelings you tried so desperately avoid all of those years ago. The responsibility when you enter adulthood is to clear out all the negative patterns of the past. Otherwise your life will simply be a repeating pattern, which result in feeling cut off from the creativity, joy and happiness that is experienced when you access the higher realms of the mind. The aim of all spiritual practice in one way or another is to force the mind into the present so that the personal consciousness can be integrated with the divine. Karma yoga is one such practice that has been one of the main practices in spiritual communities throughout the centuries. If you have seen the movie eat pray love then you will recognize this practice when the main character stayed at the ashram in India and had to wash the floor everyday. The first thing you need to do is to choose a simple physical activity that requires little to know thinking since the aim of this practice to to force your attention outside of the mind and onto the activity itself. Therefore avoid things like reading and writing. Sports and daily activities like cleaning, driving and walking are great things to use for your karma yoga practice. The best thing about this technique is it can be used anywhere at any time. However in the beginning I recommend you practice it for a specific amount of time on a daily activity. It is important that you maintain a natural breathing cycle because the breath will help you process the negative material that will start to arise. The easiest way to explain karma yoga is to go through an example together so you can get a clear grasp on how it should be practiced. Imagine you decide that driving is the activity you use for this practice. First turn off any distractions such as the radio and don't do this practice if you have passengers in the car. Also check your mirrors and gas gage before you begin so that you can have unbroken concentration throughout your practice. Once you are driving first of all become aware of your breathing, the natural in and out cycles your breath takes. This is important because as i said early the breath is the key to helping you process whatever may arise. Next start pushing your attention outside of yourself onto the driving activity. Feel your hands on steering wheel and your foot on the accelerator. Listen to the nosies of the motor and the cars driving by. Focus you sight on the images all round you and check your mirrors constantly. Beware that the mind will try drag you back into the internal realm of egoic thought, when you start to feel this to happen just realign with your breath than then repeat the process of pushing your attention outside of yourself. And there you have it! I hope you have enjoyed this be sure to like, subscribe or comment below this video so I know what you want. Thanks, this was another dreaming son production