How To Teach Yoga & Meditation For Children ow To Teach Kids To Warm Up For Yoga
Hi, I'm here with Brooke and she's going to be my assistant for today's poses and we're going to begin just with some gentle stretching to warm up the body. This will allow us to warm the muscles, get the joints moving and start to connect with our breathing which is very important with yoga. So sitting up nice and tall Brooke is going to take her fingertips and just release them to the sides of her body. She's inhaling and exhaling deeply. With her next inhalation she's going to stretch her arms out to the sides of her body and reach her arms out over head letting the palms face in towards one another, lengthening all the way through the sides of the waist up through the fingertips. With her exhale she's going to drop her right hand down to the floor and just stretch over to the right side. Breath in deeply, very good. With an inhale reach both arms back up over head and then exhale to drop the left hand down to the floor and stretch over to the left. With her next inhale she'll reach both arms back up over head once more and then she'll exhale to twist to the right. So she's going to drop her right hand behind her and take her left hand to the knee, sitting up nice and tall and twisting with her exhales. Breath in deep and then with an inhale scoot back to center stretch, so your arms back over head and then exhale to twist to the left, taking the left fingertips to the back, twisting deeply with the exhales. Beautiful, good! And then with your inhale reach both arms back over head one last time, stretch it all the way out and then exhale take your hands to the sides and release them back down to the floor. Take a nice deep breath, great.