How To Teach Yoga & Meditation For Children eaching Kids To Body Scan While Meditating
Hi welcome to Expert Village. My name is Sharon Tessandori and I'm the owner of Barefoot Works Yoga Studio in Lexington, Kentucky. Since you have probably found a comfortable seated position to be in for your meditation practice, you're going to begin by sitting up nice and tall closing your eyes and we'll begin with what's known as a body scan. With your eyes closed starting at the crown of your head, you're just going to try to start to relax throughout your body. Begin by taking your awareness to the face and imagining that the muscles deep behind your eyes begin to relax. Feeling your jawline release and just letting your tongue rest in your mouth with your teeth slightly parted. Once you feel that your face is a bit more relaxed than when you began. Try to let that feeling start to spread to other areas of your body. Relaxing through the shoulders keeping both arms relaxed, taking your awareness down your spine and into the hips and then all the way through the legs to the tips of your feet. Eventually you feel like you're sitting here and you're not tensing anywhere in your body and you feel pretty supported and pretty relaxed.