How To Meditate
So, I want to be absolutely clear... in order to meditate, you don't. need. anything. you don't need any relaxing music, or "binaural beats," you don't need to be in a special place... like... how I am now ;-) You don't need to spend thirty years in a cave, you don't need to focus on your breathing... You don't need to sit or stand in a fancy position. It doesn't matter... i mean, You "should" be relaxed... ah, you're eyes can be opened, or closed... makes no difference. as long as you're centered. You don't need anything to believe, you don't need a special mantra to say, You don't even need a fine-tuned chakra system. they're just tools they're just tools to push out all of your thoughts so that you can hit the point-consciousness state. "Point-Consciousness State" (Where you exist as a single point of consciousness) But I mean, use them as far as they are useful, and use the ones that work for you. Different tools will work differently for different types of people. It's easier than you think!!!! ((to meditate)) All it is... is you just-think-about-Nothing! and you hold that state for as long as you can. just... think about nothing! and it's a *very specific state,* it's not just close your eyes and relax... I mean, that's part of it but... that's just the beginning eventually it's very specific- you'll *Know* when it happens... so... know that this is like a skill-set. It's something that you develop. something that you can practice Make a commitment to practice meditation if it takes 2-3 years, I mean, so what. big-deal. I mean, 2-3 years... to learn meditation is a *very cheap price,* considering what you get out of it! it's- it's amazing... I mean, so what!? 2-3 years. Fine. Make a commitment. it might be sooner for you. It might be later... you know, who cares, just practice. To practice this stuff... you want to get "good"... at thinking about nothing. start you could start by decreasing your thoughts by 5% I mean, just to start and, appreciate that! appreciate whatever progress you make. and then... eventually you want to be a good decreasing 10% of your thoughts. you know.. and then 15% (you know, when you try to meditate)... and so on! What you want to do is you want to get "good"... at getting as close to the meditative state as possible To as close to decreasing "all" of your thoughts as possible. (you know, as you do your meditation) where you exist as a single point of consciousness (Point-Consciousness State) Sooner or later you get there! [[jazzy rpg video-game music]]