Enlightenment ? Spiritual Awakening Ascension Meditation 3rd Eye - Esoteric Agenda 5

dated to create you his grades fell role the united nations security wonderful will prompt for they will demand pico global government in the world exactly as the my hope cal u got and many other patients a blue stations prophesies two thousand and twelve issued a treaty agenda twenty one codec selma terrorist in the new pentagon will be fully operational too force ending world war two new world religion is obvious we will all warship earth gaya mother goddess he saved from the tension will warming we will be told that to keep from repeating the mistakes that we did in the past we must hold the birth and higher authorities in these jess's pagan traditions require this is too hard news to the north it is right in front of our faces and yet we still refuse to see it i guarantee you that by two thousand twelve there will be world war three but it will not be between nations it will be passed down they know this why do you think the u_n_ is consistently trying to solve the public in the nation's they don't want us to be capable of fighting back the proof of this is in the film released by the u_n_ calls onto the g twenty minutes is gun ownership is also shown in the freedom from war policy put in place by j_f_k_ in nineteen sixty one president john kennedy went to the united nations september of nineteen sixty one to be present fifty united states program for general complete disarmament people uh... during a straight face if this is the official program of the united states of america if they put on the program etc calls borked united states victory over its military to the united states but that's it for us duty calls united states to turn over its most basic to the united nations programs ends by saying progressive patrol dishonest would perceive point where no state with the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened u_n_ people the u_n_ would have to halt military power his policy outline some pretty scary scenario swings understand what it means he calls it the spending of all national armed forces info conditions very establishment into any form whatsoever other than those required to preserve internal order and for contributions to united nations he supports this clearly shows that the u_n_ has called in from all military power to be under their control inspection and verification process tablets both in the nation's carryout scheduled limitation or productions and that they do not retain armed forces and armaments in excess of those permitted at any stage of disarmament process strategic delivery vehicles will be reduced arms and armed forces will be reduced and of all the while u_n_ peacekeeping tara's would be strengthened and u_n_ peace observations were will be available to investigate any situation which might constitute a threat to or each of the peace and establishing of approach international peace force within the united nations ten depending on the findings of the experts commission hall from the production of chemical bacteria logical and radiological weapons every function of the existing stocks for the conversion to peaceful uses peaceful uses on fire logical chemical and radiological weapons do you see how they're for hurting the word peace and making his policies sound unilaterally good there is no other way to read this publication it clearly states that all nations will hand over to their military forces to global united nations and military the u_s_ population is currently around three hundred million the national debt is currently around ten trillion so the current debt when they beat him on the american people comes out to approximately thirty three thousand dollars and has been growing international rate of one point four six billion dollars a day since two thousand six now select running banking wire transfers and credit cards people have less physical custody of their money as of right now the amount of money in circulation is not able to cover the national debt this was carefully planned since the inception of the federal reserve bank and the next plan step by the elite is already in place george bush signed the bill implementing the north american union president bush on formal agreement the role in the united states as we know and he talked to step without approval from either of the u_s_ congress or the people of the united states but i think one thing people who had always need to help us out of the world that's the one thing that i was talking about that things could have a big impact on uh... on everybody's life in canada u_s_ and that mexico you know as a composer crises serbian north american community which is lead developed right now between canada the u_s_ and mexico conducted homeless community machete and and the dollar million dollar u_s_ dollar and mexican peso replaced by the end now izzy domination of government business this whole faxes and i don't know how many people know what nafta is the north american free trade agreement because under chapter eleven of the nafta agreement nafta tribunals trouble all u_s_ life it conflicts with either a world bank's international center for the settlement of investment disputes or be u_n_ commission for international trade law now that that's that's scary enough but when you understand what that reads it also gives the power to violate the first and second then which is saying that you know by by the constitution this will weaken national sovereignty and they put the dollar we use now after this happens the fed will call in all debts when the debts cannot be repaid by the people assets will be seized and by this i mean absolutely everything you own including your property your home in vehicle your furniture and the clothes on your back this plan is already in progress and when it takes place you will literally be owned by the federal reserve bank this is how it gender twenty one will be implemented the seas land will be given back to nature and the people will be placed in smart growth megacities so what we're doing there is no overabundance of information out there for anyone to seek pertaining to widen the situation seems so hopeless and out of our control but in all honesty there's even more information out there about how to protect ourselves the only problem we face is that most people don't know how to apply this information to their own lives and rarely anybody takes the time to start out for us there are many great teachers out there teachers who have dedicated their lives to protecting the people who need protecting the most the teacher has the most difficult role in our society because nobody likes it ain't true knowledge true knowledge encompasses all aspects of existence good and bad most others do not jerry true knowledge upsets people because it implies that we were wrong at one point in our lives and another character flaw is our desire to apply i absolutely truths too unstable foundations of my life when we do so we don't structure that we hope of the finest that's one reason and about life on earth so everything we think we are everything we tell others we are everything we base our life-changing decisions off of is all depending on the foundation that could crumble it any moment because we've been told an entire lives but there are certain guidelines and mores we must follow to be decent human being we deny everything that may pose a threat to our unstable foundation this is why we despise true teachers we want these features into the same categories terrorists a method for spotting these teachers in terrace are just as flimsy in ridiculous as the methods used to spot which is william cooper a loving father and husband friend of many simply a teacher trying to better humanity and protect fellow citizens across the globe baby kade a mystery to the others and the priesthood was born ducking every existed without the permission of the priesthood mccain's never had the power and doctor this day james exists at the rate of one of the real power which is the place church standing behind the perot intuitively in methods of improving information through a system of mathematics and numbers here's some of the most featured knowledge that man is ever prevents them has been kept frequent and given only to those who proven themselves were the through the moscow's initiation there's a method to their madness really worried about what happened to you but you're operating from a place figure syndrome change that baby boomers1 bumping into each other saying and doing the wrong things not understanding the1 nature of your1 immediately if you understand the nature of your enemy in the weapons they use1 you cannot quite academy you can't fight the battle you shouldn't even be on the1 battlefield1 supposedly1 base1 union reporter1 sailboats or mobile1 so that1 television camera crew with film1 where1 into a closer look at what was hiding out1 interviewed he'll look1 endures1 leadership1 anything a little bit about it1 prevailing1 three weeks will follow that one is that the time the united states and israel1 coverage of the best friends wrinkle1 you see the curfew workers intelligence1 apparatus in the world1 with the biggest project in the history of the world1 has been looking for or some of the glove1 for years and years and years1 and can't find him1 thompsonbruce faircloth reporter1 with a camera crew1 also glided reside on interviews1 donna kelley prepared1 or email your mister1 but it will be on some of their loved1 it will be close behind the new world order1 and wonder what star mobile arms partners are supposed to be benefit or1 guilty of the doesn't materialize next two or three weeks1 it will eventually materialize because1 they haven't succeeded1 indiana jones out of the hands of the american people nor have they succeeded1 and taking our freedoms away1 and so i can tell you the certainty baby must do something1 purple1 ordered to stop this backflow1 and reading the separately1 problem ask1 bruce for people to help her1 here's our problem1 truly1 period1 played the1 for you1 who have had with1 weekend headshots1 here1 it1 pentagon me gabrielle1 films1 prescription drugs work1 contrive a couple of things like this and our children1 who carried out the british everywhere1 rewarding experience1 that's why my broadcasters with her1 receipt1 what happened but i guess victory1 impression everybody here1 i maintain that the only true salvation from an impression on sleeping1 itself in power1 knowledge1 consciousness1 this is true rebellion1 don't get caught up in eighty seven percent of people who follow the leader1 people who think that they're rebels because they did not suffer recently1 because that's the latest fashion1 dole marks the streets claimed he would be enlightened one because you read a1 book soft film and give you quince into an uncommon knowledge1 don't scream phrases into a megaphone the borrowed from another person's1 research1 indoor proclaim yourself an original thing too because you belong to a group1 there represents an unpopular belief1 those are all examples of the other side of the coroner approved think leaving a1 false rebellion1 false rebellion is dangerous because it gives the illusion that you are free and1 thinking for yourself1 true rebellion1 a true revolution begins when you quit following ants