Dr Pillai's Deepam Messag eepam Full Moon Arunanchala Energy Activation Meditation
to this week's... welcome to this week's live broadcast at the Pillai Center so I usually try to do my best with tracking Dr. Pillai down and getting some sort of information or statement from him, especially on a very important days, and today thankfully he was ah cooperative. He's not always cooperative so I'm very grateful for that. It's Deepam. it is very special full moon energy and there is an energy associated with this special full moon that has a purification process it allows us to go deeper into our spirituality and ask or clarity and light and purity and ask for God to give us that grace and intelligence, so we're still in that window of time and in India it is the evening where Dr. Pillai is or even more power, the most powerful time to access that energy is now so ..ah .. Dr. Pillai sent an audio over. its' not live but he it is very recent so it's recorded live where he is in India in Thirunamalai where the mountain of fire resides. So let's hear from Dr. PIllai now. Today is Deepam Day in Thirunamalai know in sanskrit as Arunachala . There are about half a million people today walking out the mountain. There are also divine visitors who are siddhas, rishis, yogis including angel its from other galaxies Is the mountain that is the center for the earth plane. This information comes from the siddhas who have revealed this through various Nadi readings. Most of the people who are here are some who live in Thiruvanamalai and going around the mountain are villagers who are very humble and simple and do not know what's going on but somehow their soul knows that if he goes around, he or she goes around the mountain there will be some material benefits. There are also spiritual people mostly from abroad who are here and they are also going around around the mountain on this day. There are some elite Indian people although they hate to mingle with the villagers. they still go there and their intention or goal in going around the mountain mostly is material and little bit spiritual Now, the mountain, it has been said although is a rock, can change consciousness of the people. Raman Maharishi came here and looked at the mountain and he said although this mountain looks like inconscient rock, Jada, It is capable of stealing the mind. That's what he said. That was still a limited perception. The mountain is liquid flame. He never had that vision. because he was not that evolved enough. Now, It's a shame that we are looking at the mountain with human eyes and then only see the mountain and we are looking at the mountain with the mind working through faculty of the eyes and couldn't get anything. Still we are lost in the mind consciousness. It's a shame. So my prayer to the mountain today is that 'Oh Arunanchala 00Shiva, it's a shame that you are not helping the human beings to go beyond the eyes, go beyond the senses, go beyond the mind and see your true self. Why are you not doing this? I know there is an evolutionary path that everyone has to go through They have to start at some level and then progress but it takes too long for people to evolve to that level and go beyond their senses and the mind to see. Even then how many people have been able to see the mountain as flame. as themselves as flame are everywhere. the world around is flame or Light. How many people can see that. how long does it take? so the entire earth plane has to go through a thorough change, a sea change as it is called. And that change involves our senses to evolve to a level that Swami Ramalingam said as the subtle senses and that's with this subtle body the Light Body. Then, everything will be done. But then, yes, it takes time but way don't you at least give a break so that at some point they would be able to look at the mountain, not through their eyes, not through their mind, but through their Soul and see your grandiose Form which is Light. It can not be done through meditation, samadhi or any other means. it has... It can be done only through your Grace. we need, at this time, Your Grace so that we see the mountain as Light and not as rock. But not only we see it as a form of Light but also the site itself, the Darshan Itself can change us. This is my prayer on this Deepam Day. On this Deepam Day, human beings have to be given at least a head start from this day onwards to see beyond senses, to see beyond the mind, to see beyond logic and to meet you at the level of Ligh e are Light and You are Light because we are You but this is only a theory up until now. At least give us a break. it is can be done only through your Grace. Arut Perum Karunai as Ramalingam said, it is the special mercy from You. Please give us mercy, because, otherwise, it'll never happen through meditation, because, even Yoga, as a siddha put it, Yoga Itself is Maya. The greatest Maya is Yoga which is meditation. so with this Maya trying to see Maya, Reality is not going to work. So give us a break on this Deepam Day. This will be the last Deepam when most people ah.. are unable to, if not all, all people are walking with so much unconsciousness and ignorance. From next Deepam, always, onwards, we want people with Consciousness to go out around the Mountain and that will change the earth plane. The earth plane itself has to evolve along with the human beings and others also like plants and animals and insects and everyone. This is my prayer on this most sacred day for the entire galaxy. Shiva have mercy on us So there you have it, folks. That's Dr. Pillai's message live prayer brought to you live on this hangout. um... You can rewatch this and listened to this message again and again. You can use today at this time to make a sincere prayer yourself to God and what it is you want to evolve and how you want to shed your layers of unconsciousness. Make a list of things that you know you're unconscious about, that you want to change, that you want to ask for divine grace in having them changed within you. to give us one year in terms of having1 a shift of the planet so that more people are conscious1 and we are those people. We make the change. When we change, we change people1 around us1 We change the environment. We emit more light. So make a deep prayer today1 on your commitment to being Light, to recognizing Light,1 to being more conscious and aware and1 one time, Dr. Pillai gave us an exercise that sai ake a list of all the things1 you know you are unconscious about, you know you're unaware of1 and that you want to have removed. So1 today is a perfect day to do that. How would you like to unravel1 your enlightenment and how would you like to expose your awareness1 and your grace and become more and more1 aware, become more and more evolved and to help the planet1 evolve as well.1 So, thank you again for joining us for a very special message. Thank you for being who1 you are in making a difference for Pillai Center and for yourself1 and for the world. Happy Deepam. Namaste.