Daily Meditations - Use These Daily Meditation Rituals for Successful People

Hey everybody It's Mandee Lee and today we're gonna talk about rituals and how they can bring more meaning and purpose into your life. In this day and age, everybody is so busy with their lives they're constantly moving around and having lots of things to do and so they go through their days going to the motion of activities and losing sight of the meaning and purpose on why they're doing it. And so rituals are great, easy, quick, simple way to connect you back to your big why and bring that meaning and purpose into the things that you are doing so stay connected and you stay fulfilled. Max and I use rituals everyday throughout our lives and the reason that I love ritual so much is because it reminds me and connects me back to spirit, back to universe, back to God and it reminds me that I'm not separate, that I'm not alone, that I can ask on other energies for help and for guidance and this reminds me of the bigger why of why I'm here on earth. Ma ave you ever had that experience where throughout your entire day you're doing things but in the end of the day you look back and you're not actually even very aware or conscious of what happened. I know for me I used to have those experiences a lot. And one of the great things that ritual has really brought into our life are those moments where you just stop and bring your full consciousness, your full attention to something particular so that you feel more connected, more aware and really present to your experience of life which then inherently does bring that feeling of meaning and purpose into your day. So here are some of the rituals that we do both because we think you might enjoy them but also to inspire some ways of thinking about the once that you can bring to your life as well. We have our morning meditation ritual. Where we sit together and center ourselves before the day begins. Mande e siege the house to cleanse out any stagnant energy, any negative energy and to bring in positive energy to support us. Ma e take time to consciously move our bodies to connect to our breath and just to allow ourselves just to drop in to a centered physical space. Mande e take a moment to bless our food before we eat it. We give thanks for all the abundance in our lives and we ask that it help us in whatever our area of need is. Ma o just so we can say it because it's very possible you might watch this video and think, "Who are they praying to?" Or "What are they, who are they doing all this to?" And we're not doing it for anyone. We're actually just doing it for us and to bring the moment of present into our own lives. Mande up. It's just our way of connecting to our own higher consciousness and not getting so ramped up in everything in our outer worlds in our head. So, hopefully these personal rituals that Max and I share with you had inspired you to create your own rituals. These little things you can do to bring more meaning and purpose into your life and if you see the value of this, of rituals and how they can inspire your life then share this with others. Send this video to someone else who you think you can use to have more meaning and purpose in their life. Comment below and share your ritual that you use in your life to help inspire others in our community and head on over to BigVisionBusiness.com for more advanced trainings. We'll see you next week. Much love.